Essay on Rural Development | Short Composition in English |


Essay on Rural Development | Short Composition in English |

Rural Development is an important topic about the development in Rural India. Rural Development in India mainly deals with rural transformation from below average to above average growth rate so that rural India can focus more on the well being of rural India rather than poverty eradication. This would definitely help rural areas, but there are a large number of problems in such areas that need to be addressed in order for their transformation to happen properly and effectively.

Almost 70% of the Indian population lives in rural areas. This is about 83.3 crore people. So, when we talk about rural development, we mean the things that the government does to help reduce poverty in these areas.

The thrust area of Rural Development in India is to focus on Agriculture and Rural Infrastructure i:e: Rural roads, Rural Electricity, Rural water supply etc. Apart from this, Industry and Education should also be focused upon by the government. There are many problems faced by Rural areas that need to be taken into consideration while planning for Rural Transformation such as increasing population growth rate (without education), lack of proper connectivity between villages, scarcity of electricity (especially after sunrise and before sunset), lack of irrigation facilities, increasing number of farmers’ suicide cases due to rising costs because of rising prices of fertilizers among other reasons etc. All these factors affect Rural transformation negatively.

In order to understand Rural Development in India, Rural Transformation should be given top priority by Indian government. Rural Transformation is the process of Rural development which focuses on rural youth and their skills. It is very important to provide Rural education so that Rural youth can find jobs easily after completing their degrees/diplomas/certificates etc, because only Rural Education will help them understand problems faced by Rural people and develop solutions for those problems.

We should remember that a nation can only grow in terms of economy when rural development walks hand-in-hand with urban development. Lagging behind from the latter can be catastrophic for any nation. 

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