Extracts of Discovering Tut : The Saga Continues | Class XI |


Extracts of Discovering Tut : The Saga Continues 

Having gone through the Summary, Short Answer Type Questions and Long Answer Type Questions of The Portrait of a Lady, A Photograph, We are not Afraid to Die if We Can All be TogetherThe Laburnum Top, Landscape of the Soul from the first book of Class 11 i.e. Hornbill and The Summer of the Beautiful Horse, The Address, Ranga’s Marriage from the second book i.e. Snapshots. Let’s have a look at the MCQ of another chapter thoroughly that can help you scoring higher in your upcoming examination.

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MCQs of Discovering Tut : The Saga Continues

Extract 1

He was just a teenager when he died. The last heir of a powerful family that had ruled Egypt and its empire for centuries, he was laid to rest laden with gold and eventually forgotten. Since the discovery of his tomb in 1922, the modern world has speculated about what happened to him, with murder being the most extreme possibility. Now, leaving his tomb for the first time in almost 80 years, Tut has undergone a CT scan that offers new clues about his life and death and provides precise data for an accurate forensic reconstruction of the boyish pharaoh.

a) Who is ‘He’ in the above passage?
1) Ranga
2) King Tut
3) Howard Carter
4) Jonathan

b) Who is the author of this chapter?
1) A.R.Williams
2) Khushwant Singh
3) Marga Minco
4) Shahid Ali

c) What is the full form of CT?
1) Computer Tomography
2) Computing Tomography
3) Computed Tomography
4) None of these

d) What is pharaoh?
1) A title
2) A name
3) A caste
4) All of these

a. King Tut b. A.R.Williams c. Computed Tomography d. A title

We would love your reading of  Formal Letters, Notice Writing, Formal & Informal Invitation, Classified Advertisement, Debate Writing, Speech Writing, Article Writing, Report Writing, Note Making, Poster Making, Short Story Writing, Leave Application Writing, Descriptive Paragraph Writing for scoring higher in upcoming examination.

Extract 2

Carter, Howard Carter, that was the British archaeologist who in 1922 discovered Tut’s tomb after years of futile searching. Its contents, though hastily ransacked in antiquity, were surprisingly complete. They remain the richest royal collection ever found and have become part of the pharaoh’s legend. Stunning artefacts in gold, their eternal brilliance meant to guarantee resurrection, caused a sensation at the time of the discovery and still get the most attention. But Tut was also buried with everyday things he’d want in the afterlife: board games, a bronze razor, linen undergarments, cases of food and wine.

a) Who found King Tut’s mummy?
1) Howard Carter
2) Zahi Hawas
3) Akhetaten
4) Amenhotep

b) What was the mummy laden with?
1) Gold
2) Silver
3) Diamonds
4) All of these

c) Why were kings laden with things?
1) It was believed that they could sell them in afterlife
2) It was believed that they could enjoy them in afterlife
3) It was believed that they could dispose of them in afterlife
4) None of these

d) What is artefact?
1) A man-made object
2) A god-made object
3) A natural object
4) None of these

a. Howard Carter b. Gold c. It was believed that they could enjoy them in afterlife d. A man-made object

You may also read : The Portrait of a Lady, We are not Afraid to Die if We can All be TogetherLandscape of the Soul, The Ailing Planet, The Browning Version, The Adventure, Silk Road for better understanding of the book Hornbill.

Extract 3

Opening the first, he found a shroud adorned with garlands of willow and olive leaves, wild celery, lotus petals, and cornflowers, the faded evidence of a burial in March or April. When he finally reached the mummy, though, he ran into trouble. The ritual resins had hardened, cementing Tut to the bottom of his solid gold coffin. “No amount of legitimate force could move them.” 

a) When was King Tut’s mummy expected to be buried?
1) March or April
2) June or July
3) August or September
4) October or November

a) Name the chapter.
1) The Portrait of a Lady
2) Landscape of the Soul
3) Discovering Tut
4) We are not Afraid to Die if we can all be Together

c) Find out the synonym of ‘Legitimate’ from the following.
1) Illegal
2) Legal
3) Perfect
4) None of these

d) Which literary device has been used in ‘Ritual resins’?
1) Simile
2) Metaphor
3) Personification
4) Alliteration

a. March or April b. Discovering Tut ; the Saga Continues c. Legal d. Alliteration

Extract 4

Carter really had little choice. If he hadn’t cut the mummy free, thieves most certainly would have circumvented the guards and ripped it apart to remove the gold. In Tut’s time the royals were fabulously wealthy, and they thought or hoped they could take their riches with them. For his journey to the great beyond, King Tut was lavished with glittering goods: precious collars, inlaid necklaces and bracelets, rings, amulets, a ceremonial apron, sandals, sheaths for his fingers and toes, and the now iconic inner coffin and mask  all of pure gold. To separate Tut from his adornments, Carter’s men removed the mummy’s head and severed nearly every major joint. Once they had finished, they reassembled the remains on a layer of sand in a wooden box with padding that concealed the damage, the bed where Tut now rests.

a) What made Carter cut the mummy free?
1) For he was afraid of authorities
2) For he was afraid of thieves
3) For he was afraid of government
4) All of these

b) What did the royals of Egypt think in ancient time?
1) That they could spend their riches posthumously
2) That they could take their riches with them posthumously
3) That they could save their riches posthumously
4) All of these

c) How did Carter’s men remove the gold from the mummy?
1) By hardening the resins
2) By softening the resins
3) By chiseling the body
4) None of these

d) What does the word ‘Circumvent’ mean?
1) To seize  
2) To surround
3) To encircle
4) All of these

a. For he was afraid of thieves b. That they could take their riches with them posthumously c. By chiseling the body d. All of these

Extract 5

Archaeology has changed substantially in the intervening decades, focusing less on treasure and more on the fascinating details of life and intriguing mysteries of death. It also uses more sophisticated tools, including medical technology. In 1968, more than 40 years after Carter’s discovery, an anatomy professor X-rayed the mummy and revealed a startling fact: beneath the resin that cakes his chest, his breast-bone and front ribs are missing.

a) What was the startling revelation made about Tut’s mummy?
1) That his kidneys were missing
2) That his breast bone was missing
3) That his front ribs were missing
4) Both 2 and 3

b) What does the word ‘Anatomy’ mean?
1) Physical body of a human
2) Physical body of a animal
3) Physical body of a non-living thing
4) None of these

c) Find out the synonym of ‘Beneath’ from the following.
1) Under
2) Over
3) Beside
4) Along with

d) Where did King Tut rule?
1) Egypt
2) Australia
3) America
4) Netherlands

a. Both 2 and 3 b. Physical body of a human c. Under d. Egypt

Extract 6

What more would a CT scan reveal of Tut than the X-ray? And could it answer two of the biggest questions still lingering about him -how did he die, and how old was he at the time of his death? King Tut’s demise was a big event, even by royal standards. He was the last of his family’s line, and his funeral was the death rattle of a dynasty. But the particulars of his passing away and its aftermath are unclear.

a) What does the phrasal verb ‘Pass away’ mean?
1) To die
2) To survive
3) To forget
4) None of these

b) Find out the synonym of the word ‘Demise’ from the following.
1) Life
2) Death
3) Puberty
4) None of these

c) Who was the last of King Tut’s family line?
1) Amenhotep
2) Smankhakre
3) Akhetaten
4) King Tut

d) What is aftermath?
1) Consequence
2) After effect
3) Results
4) All of these

a. To die b. Death c. King Tut d. All of these

Extract 7

The night of the scan, workmen carried Tut from the tomb in his box. Like pallbearers they climbed a ramp and a flight of stairs into the swirling sand outside, then rose on a hydraulic lift into the trailer that held the scanner. Twenty minutes later two men emerged, sprinted for an office nearby, and returned with a pair of white plastic fans. The million-dollar scanner had quit because of sand in a cooler fan. “Curse of the pharaoh,” joked a guard nervously.

a) Who are pallbearers?
1) People who carry the coffin
2) People who bury the coffin
3) People who find mummies
4) None of these

b) What happened to the scanner?
1) It stopped working due to malfunctioning of a fan
2) It functioned well
3) It stopped taking images
4) It short circuited

c) Whom did the guards hold responsible for the inconvenience?
1) King Tut
2) Orion
3) Themselves
4) None of these

d) Who was being investigated about?
1) King Tut
2) Zahi Hawas
3) Howard Carter
4) Anatomy Professor

a. People who carry the coffin b. It stopped working due to malfunctioning of a fan c. King Tut d. King Tut


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