A Roadside Stand Summary | Questions | Class 12 | English |


A Roadside Stand Summary | Questions | Class XII | English |

Summary of A Roadside Stand

A Roadside Stand revolves around the pathetic conditions of poor people living countryside. It highlights the staggering conditions of such people wherein they are ignored by all and sundry especially the city dwellers.

A shed has been set up by the occupants outside their old houses at the edge of the road from where a lot of travellers speed away. It seems that the shed-owners want passers-by to stop at his shed and to buy something from there.

On the other hand, people hailing from cities often turn their blind eyes and hardly bother to buy anything from such people that have set up their sheds or roadside stands to sell their products. They long for some city currency which helps the world move on and aid them too getting rid of their poverty. These poor people have to wait endlessly for customers with prayers on their lips but no one stops there. If anyone does, he enquires either about the directions or to complain about the goodies being sold there by the poor people.

Robert Frost, the poet, empathises with these deprived people and request city-dwellers to walk hand-in-hand with them. He criticizes the fake promises made by politicians to the poor people calling them ‘Greedy good-doers’ and ‘Beast of Prey’. According to Robert Frost, such politicians are responsible for the exploitation of the poor villagers who have established their stands.


Short Answer Type Questions of A Roadside Stand

Q1. What is A Roadside Stand all about?

Ans. A Roadside Stand revolves around the pathetic conditions of poor people living countryside. It highlights the staggering conditions of such people wherein they are ignored by all and sundry especially the city dwellers.

Q2. What do the poor roadside stand owners expect from the city dwellers?

Ans, Shed-owners, who are deprived of money and luxurious life, want passers-by to stop at his shed and to buy something from there. Having done so, they would be able to feel some city money in their hand which will add beauty to their lives.

Q3. Why do people generally stop their cars at the roadside stand?

Ans. Passers-by usually do not stop their cars at those sheds. If anyone does, he enquires either about the directions (Where the road leads to) or to complain about the goodies being sold there by the poor people.

Q4. Why is poet’s attitude towards such poor and deprived people?

Ans. Robert Frost, the poet, has seen the attitude of the passers-by towards the shed owners. He empathises with these deprived people and request city-dwellers to walk hand-in-hand with them keeping all the ego aside.

Q5. How do politicians exploit these poor and deprived people?

Ans.  According to Robert Frost, politicians are responsible for the exploitation of the poor villagers who have established their stands. They make fake promises to poor people for transferring their abodes to places where they need not worry about their future. Ironically, none of the promises made by them is kept.


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