MCQ of Wind | With Answer Key | Subramania Bharati | Class 9 | English |

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MCQ of Wind by Subramania Bharati with Answer Key, Poem, Class 9, English, Term 1

Stanza 1

Wind, come softly.
Don’t break the shutters of the windows.
Don’t scatter the papers.
Don’t throw down the books on the shelf.
There, look what you did — you threw them all down.
You tore the pages of the books.
You brought rain again.

1. Name the poem.
a) The Adventures of Toto
b) In the Kingdom of Fools
c) The Road not Taken
d) Wind

Answer : Wind

2. Who is the poet of Wind?
a) Ruskin Bond
b) T.S. Eliot
c) Subramania Bharati
d) Oscar Wilde

Answer : Subramania Bharati

3. What does the poem ‘Wind’ teach us?
a) that one must be coward
b) that one must shun one’s responsibilities
c) that one must be brave enough to face all the obstacles of life
d) Both A and B

Answer : that one must be brave enough to face all the obstacles of life

4. Which literary device has been used in ‘You tore the pages of the books’?
a) Consonance
b) Assonance
c) Anaphora
d) Personification

Answer : Personification

5. Who is ‘You’ in the first line?
a) Rain
b) Thunderstorm
c) Wind
d) All of these

Answer : Wind

6. How has the wind been represented here?
a) Destructive
b) Melting
c) Ravishing
d) All of these

Answer : Destructive

7. The poet links wind with …….
a) Difficulties of life
b) Struggles of life
c) Obstacles of life
d) All of these

Answer : All of these

7. The poet links wind with …….
a) Difficulties of life
b) Struggles of life
c) Obstacles of life
d) All of these

Answer : All of these

8. What does the poet request the wind to do?
a) To blow gently
b) Not to destroy anything
c) Not to throw books on the shelf
d) All of these

Answer : All of these

9. What does the poet accuse wind of?
a) spoiling the rain
b) destroying the farmers’ crops
c) bringing the rain
d) All of these

Answer : bringing the rain


Stanza 2

You’re very clever at poking fun at weaklings.
Frail crumbling houses, crumbling doors, crumbling rafters,
crumbling wood, crumbling bodies, crumbling lives,
crumbling hearts —
the wind god winnows and crushes them all.
He won’t do what you tell him.

1. What does the word ‘Weaklings’ mean?
a) Mentally-strong people
b) Weak people
c) Valiant people
d) All of these

Answer : Weak people

2. What is the tone of the poet in this stanza?
a) Sad
b) Critical
c) Both A and B
d) Neither A nor B

Answer : Both A and B

3. Whom does the wind make fun of according to the poet?
a) Weaklings
b) Crumbling homes
c) Frail windows
d) All of these

Answer : All of these

4. Which literary device has been used in ‘Crumbling houses crumbling doors’?
a) Repetition
b) Assonance
c) Anaphora
d) Personification

Answer : Repetition

5. What is ‘Winnows’ in this stanza?
a) Weak
b) Strong
c) Hale and Hearty
d) None of these

Answer : None of these

6. What does the poet mean by ‘He won’t do what you tell him’?
a) Wind listens to all
b) Wind doesn’t listen to anyone
c) Wind turns a deaf ear to everyone
d) Both B and C

Answer : Both B and C

7. What is ‘Rafter’ in this stanza’?
a) One who prepares raft
b) One who sells raft
c) One who travels by raft
d) None of these

Answer : One who travels by raft

Stanza 3

So, come, let’s build strong homes,
Let’s joint the doors firmly.
Practise to firm the body.
Make the heart steadfast.
Do this, and the wind will be friends with us.

1. What does the word ‘Firmly’ mean in this stanza’?
a) Strongly
b) Tightly
c) Powerfully
d) All of these

Answer : All of these

2. What should people do to make wind friendly according to the poet?
a) Build strong homes
b) Joint the doors firmly
c) Disrespect the wind
d) Both A and B

Answer : Both A and B

3. The poet describes wind as ….
a) A creator
b) A destroyer
c) Both A and B
d) Neither A nor B

Answer : Both A and B

4. How can perfect mind be attained according to the poet?
a) By being weak
b) By practising hard of obstacles in life
c) By being lethargic
d) By being lazy

Answer : By practicing hard of obstacles in life

Stanza 4

The wind blows out weak fires.
He makes strong fires roar and flourish.
His friendship is good.
We praise him every day.

1. What can wind destroy?
a) Things that are weak
b) Things that are feeble
c) Things that are frail
d) All of these

Answer : By practicing hard of obstacles in life

2. Which message does the poet convey in Wind?
a) We should be mentally and physically prepared to accept all challenges.
b) We should not be mentally and physically prepared to accept all challenges.
c) We should be physically fit to accept all challenges.
d) We should be mentally fit to accept all challenges.

Answer : We should be mentally and physically prepared to accept all challenges.

3. Which literary device has been used in ‘Weak Fires’?
a) Repetition
b) Assonance
c) Anaphora
d) Oxymoron

Answer : Oxymoron

4. Who flourish in the strong wind?
a) Strong and Determined people
b) Weak and feeble people
c) Lazy and Lethargic people
d) All of these

Answer : Strong and Determined people

5. Who is ‘He’ in this stanza?
a) Wind
b) Rain
c) Hailstorm
d) None of these

Answer : Wind

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