Extracts of The Tiger King | Kalki | Chapter 2 | English Core |


Extracts of The Tiger King | Kalki | Chapter 2 | English Core |

Extract 1

“The child will grow up to become the warrior of warriors, hero of heroes, champion of champions. But…” they bit their lips and swallowed hard. When compelled to continue, the astrologers came out with it. “This is a secret which should not be revealed at all. And yet we are forced to speak out. The child born under this star will one day have to meet its death.”

a) Name the chapter.
1) Evans Tries an O Level
2) Memories of Childhood
3) The Tiger King
4) The Third Level

b) Who is the author of this chapter?
1) Tishani Doshi
2) Kalki
3) Pearl S Buck
4) William Saroyan

c) Who has been referred as child in this extract?
1) Jilani Jung Jung Bahadur
2) Khiledar Major
3) The Tiger King
4) All of these

d) What does the narrator mean by the phrase ‘They bit their lips’?.
1) They hesitated
2) They spoke confidently
3) They replied angrily
4) They replied happily


a. The Tiger King b. Kalki c. All of these d. They hesitated

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Extract 2

Everyone stood transfixed in stupefaction. They looked wildly at each other and blinked. ‘‘O wise prophets! It was I who spoke.’’ This time there were no grounds for doubt. It was the infant born just ten days ago who had enunciated the words so clearly. The chief astrologer took off his spectacles and gazed intently at the baby. ‘‘All those who are born will one day have to die. We don’t need your predictions to know that. There would be some sense in it if you could tell us the manner of that death,’’ the royal infant uttered these words in his little squeaky voice.

a) Who is ‘I’ in the above lines.
1) The Tiger King
2) Kalki
3) Astrologer
4) The Tiger King‘s Wife

b) Who spoke at the age of 10?
1) The Tiger King
2) Dr. Sadao
3) Jack
4) Evans

c) What did the royal infant want to know?
1) The exact manner of his marriage
2) The exact manner of his death
3) The exact manner of his sitting on his throne
4) The exact manner of his life

d) Find out the synonym of ‘Utter’ from the following.
1) To speak
2) To Express
3) To Let out
4) All of these

a. The Tiger King b. The Tiger King c. The exact manner of his death d. All of these



Extract 3

‘‘The prince was born in the hour of the Bull. The Bull and the Tiger are enemies, therefore, death comes from the Tiger,’’ he explained. You may think that crown prince Jung Jung Bahadur was thrown into a quake when he heard the word ‘Tiger’. That was exactly what did not happen. As soon as he heard it pronounced, the crown prince gave a deep growl. Terrifying words emerged from his lips. ‘‘Let tigers beware!’’

a) How old was The Tiger King when he spoke?
1) 10 days old
2) 15 days old
3) 20 days old
4) 25 days old

b) Which literary device has been used in ‘Jung Jung Bahadur’?
1) Alliteration
2) Repetition
3) Simile
4) Epithet

c) Whom did The Tiger King want to be alert?
1) Tigers
2) Lions
3) Sheep
4) All of these

d) Find out the synonym of ‘Terrifying’ from the following.
1) Scaring
2) Fearing
3) Frightening
4) All of these

a. 10 days old b. Repetition c. Tigers d. All of these

Extract 4

Crown prince Jung Jung Bahadur grew taller and stronger day by day. No other miracle marked his childhood days apart from the event already described. The boy drank the milk of an English cow, was brought up by an English nanny, tutored in English by an Englishman, saw nothing but English films — exactly as the crown princes of all the other Indian states did. When he came of age at twenty, the State, which had been with the Court of Wards until then, came into his hands.

a) How was the tiger king brought up.
1) By royalty
2) In penury
3) Beggarly
4) None of these

b) What is nanny?
1) Nurse
2) Nursemaid
3) Custodian of a child
4) None of these

c) At what age was he handed in the throne?
1) 10 Years
2) 15 Years
3) 20 Years
4) 25 Years

d) What is court of wards?
1) A legal body created by East India Company
2) A illegal body created by East India Company
3) A neutral body created by East India Company
4) None of these

a. By royalty b. Custodian of a child c. 20 Years d. A legal body created by East India Company

Extract 5

‘‘What do you say now?’’ he demanded. ‘‘Your majesty may kill ninety-nine tigers in exactly the same manner. But…’’ the astrologer drawled. ‘‘But what? Speak without fear.’’ “But you must be very careful with the hundredth tiger.’’  ‘‘What if the hundredth tiger were also killed?’’ ‘‘Then I will tear up all my books on astrology, set fire to them, and…’’ ‘‘And…’’ ‘‘I shall cut off my tuft, crop my hair short and become an insurance agent,’’ the astrologer finished on an incoherent note.

a) How many tigers could he kill according to the astrologer?
1) 98
2) 97
3) 99
4) 100

b) What would have Astrologer done had the the tiger King killed hundred tiger?
1) He would have cut off his tuft
2) He would have become an insurance agent
3) He would have set fire to astrology books
4) All of these

c) Find out the antonym of the word ‘Incoherent’ from the following?
1) Coherent
2) Logical
3) Rational
4) All of these

d) What should the tiger King be afraid of according to the astrologer?
1) 100th tiger
2) 99th tiger
3) 98th tiger
4) 97th tiger

a. 99 b. All of these c. All of these d. 100th tiger

Extract 6

The British officer’s secretary sent word to the Maharaja through the dewan that the durai himself did not have to kill the tiger. The Maharaja could do the actual killing. What was important to the durai was a photograph of himself holding the gun and standing over the tiger’s carcass. But the Maharaja would not agree even to this proposal. If he relented now, what would he do if other British officers turned up for tiger hunts?

a) What die the British office want to do?
1) He wanted to kill a tiger
2) He wanted to kill the tiger king
3) He wanted to click the tiger king’s picture with the dead tiger
4) None of these

b) Who is carcass?
1) Dead body of an animal
2) Dead body of a human
3) Dead body of a demon
4) None of these

c) Why did the Maharaja not want to relent?
1) For other Britishers could turn up for hunting tigers
2) For other Britishers could turn up for hunting him
3) For other Britishers could turn up for clicking his picture
4) All of these

d) What was the final decision made by the tiger king?
1) He refused Durai
2) He accepted his proposal
3) He denied Durai being photographed with the tiger
4) Both 1 and 3

a. He wanted to kill a tiger b. Dead body of an animal c. For other Britishers could turn up for hunting tigers d. Both 1 and 3

Extract 7

The Maharaja and the dewan held deliberations over this issue. As a result, a telegram was despatched forthwith to a famous British company of jewellers in Calcutta. ‘Send samples of expensive diamond rings of different designs.’ Some fifty rings arrived. The Maharaja sent the whole lot to the British officer’s good lady. The king and the minister expected the duraisani to choose one or two rings and send the rest back. Within no time at all the duraisani sent her reply: ‘Thank you very much for your gifts.’ In two days a bill for three lakh of rupees came from the British jewellers. The Maharaja was happy that though he had lost three lakh of rupees, he had managed to retain his kingdom.

a) Who has been referred to ‘Good Lady’?.
1) Durai
2) Duraisani
3) British officer
4) The Tiger King

b) How much did the Maharaja have to pay for fifty rings?
1) 3 lacs
2) 4 lacs
3) 5 lacs
4) 2 lacs

c) How many rings had the Maharaja expected duraisani to keep?
1) One or two
2) two or three
3) three or four
4) four or five

d) Name the chapter.
1) Evans Tries an O Level
2) The Enemy
3) Going Places
4) The Tiger King

a. Duraisani b. 3 lacs c. One or two d. The Tiger King

Extract 8

The dewan followed his orders. He found the right girl from a state which possessed a large number of tigers. Maharaja Jung Jung Bahadur killed five or six tigers each time he visited his father-in-law. In this manner, ninety-nine tiger skins adorned the walls of the reception hall in the Pratibandapuram palace.

a) Why did the Maharaja get married?
1) For begetting children
2) For encroaching the estate of his father-in-law
3) For going to honeymoon
4) For killing rest of the tigers

b) What was Maharaja’s preference for marrying a girl?
1) She must be tall
2) She must have blond hair
3) She must have tigers in her estate
4) She must have been poor

c) Which literary device has been used in the last line?
1) Transferred epithet
2) Oxymoron
3) Pun
4) Alliteration

d) What does the narrator mean by ‘Ninety-nine tiger skins adorned the wall’?
1) The Maharaja had bought ninety nine tigers skin
2) The Maharaja had killed ninety nine tigers 
3) The Maharaja had decorated his palace ninety eight tigers’ skin
4) None of these

a. For killing rest of the tigers b. She must have tigers in her estate c. Alliteration d. The Maharaja had killed ninety nine tigers 

Extract 9

Thus the Maharaja was sunk in gloom. But soon came the happy news which dispelled that gloom. In his own state sheep began to disappear frequently from a hillside village. It was first ascertained that this was not the work of Khader Mian Saheb or Virasami Naicker, both famed for their ability to swallow sheep whole. Surely, a tiger was at work. The villagers ran to inform the Maharaja. The Maharaja announced a three-year exemption from all taxes for that village and set out on the hunt at once.

a) What made the Maharaja depressed?
1) His inability to get married
2) His inability to find the last tiger
3) His inability to earn money
4) His inability to beget a child

b) Who were famed for their ability to swallow sheep whole?
1) Khader Mian Saheb
2) Virasami Naicker
3) Both of them
4) None of them

c) Why did the Maharaja announce an exemption from all taxes?
1) For he was getting married
2) For he had found the last tiger
3) For he had got the news of the last tiger
4) For he had been blessed with a child

d) What was the Maharaja looking for?
1) Hundredth tiger
2) His wife
3) His mother
4) His father

a. His inability to find the last tiger b. Both of them c. For he had got the news of the last tiger d. Hundredth tiger

Extract 10

At midnight when the town slept in peace, the dewan and his aged wife dragged the tiger to the car and shoved it into the seat. The dewan himself drove the car straight to the forest where the Maharaja was hunting. When they reached the forest the tiger launched its satyagraha and refused to get out of the car. The dewan was thoroughly exhausted in his efforts to haul the beast out of the car and push it down to the ground.

a) Who managed to bring the last tiger?
1) Dewan
2) The Tiger King
3) Duraisani
4) None of these

b) Find out the synonym of the word ‘Exhausted’ from the following?
1) Tired
2) Worn-Out
3) Drained
4) All of these

c) What happened when the tiger was hauled out of the car?
1) It launched Satyagraha
2) It refused to get into the car again
3) It ran out of the car immediately
4) None of these

d) Why did Dewan arrange the last tiger for The Tiger King?
1) For he could lose his job
2) For he wanted promotion
3) For he wanted to come into the good books of the Maharaja
4) All of these

a. Dewan b. All of these c. It launched Satyagraha d. For he could lose his job

Extract 11

After the Maharaja left, the hunters went to take a closer look at the tiger. The tiger looked back at them rolling its eyes in bafflement. The men realised that the tiger was not dead; the bullet had missed it. It had fainted from the shock of the bullet whizzing past. The hunters wondered what they should do. They decided that the Maharaja must not come to know that he had missed his target. If he did, they could lose their jobs. One of the hunters took aim from a distance of one foot and shot the tiger. This time he killed it without missing his mark.

a) What did the hunters notice?
1) That the tiger was dead
2) That the tiger was alive
3) That the tiger was neither alive nor dead
4) None of these

b) What had happened to the tiger?
1) It had fainted
2) It had died
3) It had risen after a long sleep
4) None of these

c) What made hunters shoot the tiger again?
1) For they could lose their jobs
2) For they could not find such a handsome tiger again
3) For they were habitual of killing tigers
4) For they were ordered

d) Name the chapter.
1) On the Face of It
2) Deep Water
3) The Rattrap
4) The Tiger King

a. That the tiger was alive b. It had fainted c. For they could lose their jobs d. The Tiger King

Extract 12

It had carved by an unskilled carpenter. Its surface was rough; tiny slivers of wood stood up like quills all over it. One of those slivers pierced the Maharaja’s right hand. He pulled it out with his left hand and continued to play with the prince. The next day, infection flared in the Maharaja’s right hand. In four days, it developed into a suppurating sore which spread all over the arm.

a) What is ‘It’ in the first line?
1) Wooden Tiger
2) Real Tiger
3) A painting
4) None of these

b) What is sliver?
1) Bit of wood
2) Bit of glass
3) Bit of iron
4) Bit of metal

c) Which figure of speech has been used in ‘Suppurating Sore’?
1) Simile
2) Personification
3) Metaphor
4) Alliteration

d) Find out the synonym of ‘Pierced’ from the following.
1) Penetrated
2) Perforated
3) Cut through
4) All of these

a. Wooden Tiger b. Bit of wood c. Alliteration d. All of these

Extract 13

Three famous surgeons were brought in from Madras. After holding a consultation they decided to operate. The operation took place. The three surgeons who performed it came out of the theatre and announced, “The operation was successful. The Maharaja is dead.” In this manner the hundredth tiger took its final revenge upon the Tiger King.

a) Why were the surgeons brought in from Madras?
1) To celebrate Maharaja son’s birthday
2) To operate on Maharaja’s wife
3) To operate the Tiger King
4) To organise a blood donation camp

b) Which literary device has been used in “The operation was successful. The Maharaja is dead.” ?
1) Satire
2) Irony
3) Metaphor
4) Transferred Epithet

c) What was the cause of the Maharaja’s death?
1) Wooden Tiger
2) Real Tiger
3) Surgeons
4) His wife

d) What happened to the Maharaja in the end?
1) He died of hunger
2) He died due to infection
3) He died due to slavery
4) He survived even after being infected

a. To operate the Tiger King b. Irony c. Wooden Tiger d. He died due to infection


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