April 9, 2017
Top 50 Wrongly Spelled and Written Words in English |
Table of Contents
Top 50 Misspelled words
We often misspell words incorrectly without even knowing their right spelling. To get rid of this problem, let us present you fifty words which are frequently used in day to day life. These words can solve your most of the problems related to making errors while writing English. Having gone through these words, you will confident enough.
Sr.No | Incorrect | Correct |
1 | Cigeratte |
Cigarette |
2 | Ettiquette |
Etiquette |
3 | Lipistick |
Lipstick |
4 | Vaccum |
Vacuum |
5 | Racket (Badminton) |
Racquet (Badminton) |
6 | Deteeriorate |
Deteriorate |
7 | Celullor |
Cellular |
8 | Recepient |
Recipient |
9 | Greatful |
Grateful |
10 | Neice |
Niece |
11 | Millioneire |
Millionaire |
12 | Milage |
Mileage |
13 | Assesment |
Assessment |
14 | Exxageration |
Exaggeration |
15 | Critisize |
Criticize |
16 | Momento |
Memento |
17 | Cholestrol |
Cholesterol |
18 | Beautifull |
Beautiful |
19 | Rehersal |
Rehearsal |
20 | Dissapear |
Disappear |
21 | Ecstacy |
Ecstasy |
22 | Embarass |
Embarrass |
23 | Beleive |
Believe |
24 | Decieve |
Deceive |
25 | Percieve |
Perceive |
26 | Consience |
Conscience |
27 | Comitted |
Committed |
28 | Truely |
Truly |
29 | Changable |
Changeable |
30 | Defenite |
Definite |
31 | Foregn |
Foreign |
32 | Indespensable |
Indispensable |
33 | Jewellry |
Jewelry |
34 | Maintainance |
Maintenance |
35 | Attendence |
Attendance |
36 | Vedio |
Video |
37 | Neibhour |
Neighbour |
38 | Occurance |
Occurrence |
39 | Posession |
Possession |
40 | Tuision |
Tuition |
41 | Pention |
Pension |
42 | Tention |
Tension |
43 | Priviledge |
Privilege |
44 | Questionaire |
Questionnaire |
45 | Seprate |
Separate |
46 | Whether |
Weather |
47 | Twelth |
Twelfth |
48 | Untill |
Until |
49 | Sergent |
Sergeant |
50 | Nineth |
Ninth |
Other Vocabulary Notes
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