MCQ of An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum | Class 12 | English |

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MCQ of An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum, Class 12, English, Poetry

Multiple Choice Questions of An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum

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Stanza 1

Far far from gusty waves these children’s faces.
Like rootless weeds, the hair torn round their pallor:
The tall girl with her weighed-down head. The paper

seeming boy, with rat’s eyes. The stunted, unlucky heir
Of twisted bones, reciting a father’s gnarled disease,
His lesson, from his desk. At back of the dim class
One unnoted, sweet and young. His eyes live in a dream,
Of squirrel’s game, in tree room, other than this.

1) Name the poem.

  1. My Mother at Sixty Six
  2. An Elementary School Classroom School in a Slum
  3. Keeping Quiet by Pablo Neruda
  4. A Thing A Beauty

Answer : An Elementary School Classroom School in a Slum

2) Who is the poet of An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum?

  1. Kamala Das
  2. Stephen Spender
  3. Pablo Neruda
  4. John Keats

Answer : Stephen Spender

3) What has the paper-seeming boy inherited from his father?

  1. A lot of property
  2. A lot of money
  3. A lot of shares
  4. A disease

Answer : A disease

4) Which poetic device has been used in ‘Like rootless weeds’?

  1. Metaphor
  2. Pun
  3. Zeugma
  4. None of these

Answer : None of these (Simile)

5) What does the word ‘Pallor’ mean?

  1. Healthy pale appearance
  2. Unhealthy pale appearance
  3. Healthy appearance
  4. None of these

Answer : Unhealthy pale appearance


6) Which poetic device has been used in ‘Paper seeming boy’?

  1. Metaphor
  2. Pun
  3. Zeugma
  4. None of these

Answer : Metaphor

7) Which poetic device has been used in ‘His eyes live in a dream’?

  1. Metaphor
  2. Pun
  3. Personification
  4. None of these

Answer : Personificaton

8) What does the word ‘Stunted’ mean?

  1. Developed
  2. Improperly developed
  3. Developing
  4. None of these

Answer : Improperly developed

9) Which poetic device has been used in ‘Far far from gusty waves’?

  1. Alliteration
  2. Repetition
  3. Personification
  4. Both a and b

Answer : Both a and b

10) Which poetic device has been used in ‘With rat’s eyes’?

  1. Alliteration
  2. Repetition
  3. Personification
  4. Metaphor

Answer : Metaphor

11) What facilities are being provided to the children studying in slum?

  1. All the facilities
  2. No Facilities
  3. Good teachers and atmosphere at school
  4. None of these

Answer : No Facilities

12) What does the word ‘Gusty’ mean?

  1. Breezy
  2. Windy
  3. Stormy
  4. All of these

Answer : All of these

13) What does the word ‘Weeds’ mean?

  1. Wanted plants
  2. Unwanted Plants
  3. Wanted Children
  4. Unwanted Children

Answer : Unwanted Plants

14) Why is the head of tall girl down?

  1. For she has not done her work
  2. For everybody makes fun of her
  3. For she likes to keep her head down
  4. None of these

Answer : None of these

15) What does the word ‘Gnarled’ mean?

  1. Crooked
  2. Heightened
  3. Flattened
  4. None of these

Answer : Crooked

16) What does the poet mean by ‘Paper seeming boy’?

  1. Healthy and Muscular
  2. Hale and Hearty
  3. Lean and Skinny
  4. None of these

Answer : Lean and Skinny

17) What does the child sitting at the back bench dream of?

  1. Being rich
  2. Being squirrel
  3. Playing squirrel’s game
  4. Stay indoors

Answer : Playing squirrel’s game

18) What does squirrel’s game symbolize?

  1. Bondage
  2. Slavery
  3. Freedom
  4. Backwardness

Answer : Freedom


Stanza 2

On sour cream walls, donations. Shakespeare’s head,
Cloudless at dawn, civilized dome riding all cities.
Belled, flowery, Tyrolese valley. Open-handed map
Awarding the world its world. And yet, for these
Children, these windows, not this map, their world,
Where all their future’s painted with a fog,

A narrow street sealed in with a lead sky
Far far from rivers, capes, and stars of words.

1) What is the real world for these children?

  1. Map on the wall
  2. Shakespeare head on the wall
  3. Tyrolese Valley on the wall
  4. None of these

Answer : None of these

2) What all is there on the walls of the classroom?

  1. Donations
  2. Open handed map
  3. Shakespeare portrait
  4. All of these

Answer : All of these

3) What does the word ‘Donations’ mean?

  1. Names of the people who donated money
  2. Donors’ contribution
  3. Money given by people for schools in slum
  4. All of these

Answer : All of these

4) Which poetic device has been used in ‘Shakespeare head’?

  1. Metaphor
  2. Antithesis
  3. Epithet
  4. Pun

Answer : Pun

5) What is Tyrolese valley famous for?

  1. Rivers
  2. Lakes
  3. Flowers
  4. Cascades

Answer : Flowers

6) Which poetic device has been used in ‘Future painted with a fog’?

  1. Metaphor
  2. Antithesis
  3. Epithet
  4. Personification

Answer : Personification

7) What is ironical about the things present on the walls?

  1. All of them are useful
  2. All of them are useless
  3. All of them are beautiful 
  4. None of these

Answer : All of them are useless

8) What is Shakespeare’s head in this stanza?

  1. Portrait of Shakespeare
  2. Beheaded head of Shakespeare
  3. A novel of Shakespeare
  4. None of these

Answer : Portrait of Shakespeare

9) Which poetic device has been used in ‘Civilized dome riding all cities’?

  1. Metaphor
  2. Antithesis
  3. Epithet
  4. Personification

Answer : Personification

10) Which poetic device has been used in ‘Awarding the world its world’?

  1. Metaphor
  2. Antithesis
  3. Epithet
  4. Personification/Repetition

Answer : Personification/Repetition

11) What have the walls been compared to?

  1. Ice cream
  2. Sour cream
  3. Fruit cream
  4. Fairness cream

Answer : Sour cream

12) What is the future of these children studying in slums?

  1. Bright
  2. Blurred
  3. Great future
  4. None of these

Answer : Blurred

13) What does the phrase ‘Awarding the world its world’ mean?

  1. That the world needs an award
  2. Representation of strong and powerful areas
  3. Poverty in the world
  4. None of these

Answer : Representation of strong and powerful areas

14) What does ‘Lead sky’ symbolise?

  1. Pollution
  2. Burden of industrial growth
  3. Grey and dull existence of people
  4. All of these

Answer : All of these

15) What does ‘Stars of Words’ mean?

  1. Fake promises
  2. Exhibition of fake things
  3. Presentation of inaccessible things
  4. All of these

Answer : All of these

16) What are capes?

  1. Strips of land projecting into a body of water
  2. Mountains
  3. Hills
  4. None of these

Answer : Strips of land projecting into a body of water

Stanza 3

Surely, Shakespeare is wicked, the map a bad example,
With ships and sun and love tempting them to steal—
For lives that slyly turn in their cramped holes
From fog to endless night? On their slag heap, these children
Wear skins peeped through by bones and spectacles of steel
With mended glass, like bottle bits on stones.
All of their time and space are foggy slum.
So blot their maps with slums as big as doom

1) What does the poet call the map a bad example?

  1. For it is made of poor paper
  2. For it is worn and torn
  3. For it tempts the children to steal
  4. None of these

Answer : For it tempts the children to steal

2) What are cramped holes?

  1. Holes made by rats
  2. Holes made by cats
  3. Holes made by bats
  4. None of these

Answer : Holes made by rats

3) Why have the slums been called foggy?

  1. For they remain foggy in winters
  2. For there is no future of children
  3. For they are polluted
  4. Both b and c

Answer : Both b and c

4) Which poetic device has been used in ‘As big as doom’?

  1. Metaphor
  2. Antithesis
  3. Simile
  4. Personification

Answer : Simile

5) What does the map tempt the children to do?

  1. To become bureaucrats
  2. To become professionals
  3. To become thieves
  4. To make others thieves

Answer : To become thieves

6) What does the word ‘Slyly’ mean?

  1. Secretly
  2. Cunningly
  3. Stealthily
  4. All of these

Answer : All of these

7) Which poetic device has been used in ‘Endless night’?

  1. Metaphor
  2. Antithesis
  3. Oxymoron
  4. Personification

Answer : Oxymoron

8) Which poetic device has been used in ‘Skins peeped through by bones’?

  1. Metaphor
  2. Antithesis
  3. Oxymoron
  4. Personification

Answer : Personification

9) Which poetic device has been used in ‘Spectacles of steel’?

  1. Metaphor
  2. Alliteration
  3. Oxymoron
  4. Personification

Answer : Alliteration

10) What does the word ‘Blot’ mean?

  1. To make a spot
  2. To beautify
  3. To adorn
  4. None of these

Answer : To make a spot

11) Which poetic device has been used in ‘As big as doom’?

  1. Simile
  2. Alliteration
  3. Oxymoron
  4. Personification

Answer : Simile

12) Where do these children spend most of their time?

  1. At Malls
  2. In open fields
  3. Under the sky on the gold sands
  4. None of these

Answer : None of these

13) Which poetic device has been used in ‘Like bottle bits on stones’?

  1. Simile
  2. Alliteration
  3. Oxymoron
  4. Personification

Answer : Simile

14) Why does the poet call Shakespeare wicked?

  1. For he has not contributed much to literature
  2. For he was selfish
  3. For his portrait has no significance in children’s life
  4. All of these

Answer : For his portrait has no significance in children’s life

15) What does the poet mean by ‘Slag heap’?

  1. Area of waste material from an industrial site
  2. Heaven
  3. Poor soul
  4. Bad soul

Answer : Area of waste material from an industrial site

Stanza 4

Unless, governor, inspector, visitor,
This map becomes their window and these windows
That shut upon their lives like catacombs,
Break O break open till they break the town
And show the children to green fields, and make their world
Run azure on gold sands, and let their tongues
Run naked into books the white and green leaves open
History theirs whose language is the sun.

1) What does the poet want to be broken?

  1. Schools
  2. Slums
  3. Big Tower and Buildings
  4. None of these

Answer : Slums

2) What does the poet mean by ‘History theirs whose language is the sun’?

  1. That illiterate make history
  2. That Literate make history
  3. That children studying in slums make history
  4. None of these

Answer : That Literate make history

3) How can these children make their future bright?

  1. By being educated
  2. By being free
  3. By being free from inequalities and injustices
  4. All of these

Answer : All of these

4) Which poetic device has been used in ‘Break O break open’?

  1. Simile
  2. Alliteration
  3. Repetition
  4. Personification

Answer : Repetition

5) What are catacombs?

  1. Crematoriums
  2. Graveyards
  3. Underground cemeteries
  4. Place to rejoice

Answer : Underground cemeteries

6) What does the poet want for the slum children?

  1. Freedom
  2. Education
  3. Equality and Justice
  4. All of these

Answer : All of these

7) What does the word ‘Azure’ mean?

  1. Cloudless sky
  2. Tall building
  3. Tall Domes
  4. None of these

Answer : Cloudless sky

9) Which poetic device has been used in ‘Let their tongues run naked’?

  1. Simile
  2. Alliteration
  3. Repetition
  4. Personification

Answer : Personification

10) What do green leaves symbolise?

  1. Open and green environment
  2. Green Belt of a society
  3. Green Room
  4. None of these

Answer : Open and green environment

11) What does the poet want higher officials and influential people to do?

  1. To give children a new school
  2. To transfer them to private schools
  3. To get them justice and equality
  4. To get them injustice and inequality

Answer : To get them justice and equality


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