Education is a process of receiving or imparting systematic instructions especially at a school or college. It is a procedure of forwarding the skills, moral values, knowledge, positive approach and ethical values.
The term 'Brain Drain' refers to the switching of proficient, civilized, highly skilled and educated individuals from one underdeveloped nation to other for better facilities and higher returns. At present, our country is in deteriorating state wherein our native talented youngsters are not ready to establish themselves in their own country rather they want to
We all, very well, know that our body is made up of what we offer it to eat. If we offer it positive food daily, it becomes positive and brings optimism in our lives whereas if we offer it grouchy food, it becomes grouchy.
Gone are the days when people had to watch a movie for three hours consecutively sitting in a chair. In this twenty-first century, people have switched themselves from outdated style of watching monotonous movies to mind-numbing and spine-chilling web series.
Excessive use of social networking sites can make us lethargic, unproductive and procrastinators. Sitting for long hours, engaged with such sites, can give a steep rise to the quantum of headaches, backaches and many more diseases.
There is no indecision about that reading has a great importance and benefits in our life . It exercises our brain as it is a complex process which leads to better blood flow in our brain . It stimulates the nerve cells of the brain and makes it more active.
Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19) had been a talk of the town, due to its outbreak, throughout the year 2020 when it gripped millions of people and it is still making headlines around the world even in 2021 with its fast-approaching new strain in UK and other parts of the world.
These are some of the extracts picked up from the Chapter "Evans Tries an O-Level' . Students are advised to practice them as much as possible for the best results.