MCQ of Test and Measurement in Sports | Class 12 | Physical Education |


MCQ of Test and Measurement in Sports

Question 1: AAHPERD stands for

  1. Australian Alliance for Health, Physical education , Recreation and Dance
  2. Australian Alliance for Health, Physical education , Recreation and Dance
  3. American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance
  4. None of the above

Answer: American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance

Question 2: Which one of the following is not included in AAHPERD young fitness test 1975?

  1. 50 yard dash
  2. Flexed leg sit ups
  3. 600 yard run walk
  4. Medicine ball put

Answer: Medicine ball put

Question 3: The test used to measure fitness of senior citizens is ___.

  1. Harvard step test
  2. Rikli and Jones fitness test
  3. General motor fitness test
  4. Borrow motor fitness test

Answer: Rikli and Jones fitness test

Question 4: Which one of the following is not considered a part of Rikli and Jones senior citizen fitness test?

  1. Chair stand test
  2. Arm curl test
  3. 1 mile walk test
  4. Back scratch test

Answer: 1 mile walk test

Question 5: What should be the height of chair required in chair sit and reach test ?

  1. 40 cm
  2. 44 cm
  3. 42 cm
  4. None of the above

Answer: 44 cm

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Question 6: The purpose of which of the following test is to measure explosive power of legs?

  1. 4 Γ— 10 m shuttle run
  2. Modified push ups for girls
  3. Standing broad jump
  4. Partial curl ups

Answer: Standing broad jump

Question 7: Which among the following test is widely used as a normal test to assess flexibility?

  1. Sit and Reach test
  2. Partial curl up test
  3. 50 m dash test
  4. None of the above

Answer: Sit and Reach test

Question 8: Partial Curl up test is used

  1. To measure the explosive power of legs
  2. The upper body strength and endurance is measured by this test
  3. To determine or measure speed
  4. The strength and endurance of abdominal muscles is measured with the help of this test

Answer: The strength and endurance of abdominal muscles is measured with the help of this test

Question 9: Which one of the following is used to measure cardiovascular fitness?

  1. Chair stand test
  2. Harvard Step test
  3. Rockport one mile test
  4. Both B and C

Answer: Both B and C

Question 10: Modified push ups is measured for

  1. Boys
  2. Volleyball players
  3. Girls
  4. Cricket players

Answer: Girls

Question 11: Which one of the following is not linked accurately ?

  1. Arm Curl Test – A test to measure the upper body strength
  2. Chair sit and reach test – A test to assess the upper body flexibility
  3. Chair stand test – A test to measure the lower body strength
  4. Eight foot up and go test – A test to evaluate speed and agility

Answer: Chair sit and reach test – A test to assess the upper body flexibility

Question 12: In which year Rikli and Jones senior citizen test was discovered ?

  1. 1990
  2. 2000
  3. 2001
  4. 2002

Answer: 2001

Question 13: Harvard Step test is also called as

  1. Rockport fitness walking test
  2. Chair stand test
  3. Jump up and down test
  4. Aerobic fitness test

Answer: Aerobic fitness test

Question 14: In the back scratch test if the finger tips touch each other then the score will be

  1. Negative
  2. Zero
  3. Positive
  4. None of the above

Answer: Zero

Question 15: The process of collecting the data about a specific skill , strength , endurance , knowledge and behaviour is generally known as

  1. Capacity
  2. Measure
  3. Test
  4. Evaluation

Answer: Test

Question 16: The process of administrating a test in order to obtain a quantitative data is called as

  1. Tests
  2. Measurement
  3. Planning
  4. Coaching

Answer: Measurement

Question 17: An athlete speed or acceleration is measured by

  1. Modified push ups for girls
  2. Standing long jump
  3. 600 yard run walk
  4. 50 m standing start

Answer: 50 m standing start

Question 18: Which one of the succeeding is a disadvantage of Harvard Step test?

  1. It requires maximum cost
  2. The height of the box remains constant for both tall and short individuals
  3. It is complicated to set up and conduct
  4. It does not measure cardiovascular fitness

Answer: The height of the box remains constant for both tall and short individuals

Question 19: In chair Stand test of Rikli and Jones senior citizen fitness test the score is taken as the total number of completed chairs change during the given ___.

  1. 30 seconds
  2. 60 seconds
  3. 40 seconds
  4. 45 seconds

Answer: 30 seconds

Question 20: What weight should be required for women to hold in Arm Curl Test of Rikli and Jones senior citizen fitness test?

  1. 8 pound
  2. 6 pound
  3. 7 pound
  4. 5 pound

Answer: 5 pound

Question 21: What weight should be required for men to hold in Arm Curl Test of Rikli and Jones senior citizen fitness test?

  1. 8 pound
  2. 6 pound
  3. 7 pound
  4. 5 pound

Answer: 8 pound

Question 22: Standing board jump helps to develop ___ muscles.

  1. Back
  2. Lower body
  3. Upper body
  4. Abdominal

Answer: Lower body

Question 23: Eight foot up and go test is conducted to check the coordination and agility in

  1. Children
  2. Adolscent
  3. Aged people
  4. Youth

Answer: Aged people

Question 24: Which one of the following can not be considered as a variable in calculating VO2 max according to the formula of Rockport One mile test?

  1. Body weight
  2. Age
  3. Gender
  4. Height

Answer: Height

Question 25: The height of the box or gym bench used for women in Harvard Step test is

  1. 20 inches
  2. 16 inches
  3. 24 inches
  4. None of the above

Answer: 16 inches

Question 26: The height of the box or gym bench used for men in Harvard Step test is

  1. 20 inches
  2. 16 inches
  3. 24 inches
  4. None of the above

Answer: 20 inches

Question 27: Which one of the following instructions is not stated accurately according to the chair stand test?

  1. Back of the individual should be erect
  2. Feet of the individual should be flat on the floor
  3. Participant should sit at the corner edge of the chair
  4. Participant should keep his hand on the opposite shoulder crossed at the wrists

Answer: Participant should sit at the corner edge of the chair

Question 28: Which component of senior citizen fitness is tested with the help of six minute walk test?

  1. Lower body strength
  2. Aerobic endurance
  3. Balance
  4. Upper body strength

Answer: Aerobic endurance

Question 29: The aim of fitness index score is to measure

  1. Overall fitness and health
  2. Running strength
  3. Heart rate
  4. Aerobic fitness

Answer: Overall fitness and health

Question 30: The senior fitness test does not includes ___

  1. Chair stand test
  2. Arm curl test
  3. Sit and reach test
  4. Partial curl up test

Answer: Partial curl up testΒ 



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