This story centres around two brothers Nicola and Jacopo who are really hard working and engaged in many businesses in order to save their sister's life suffering from tuberculosis of spine.
At the beginning of the chapter, we see the narrator driving through the Alps and visiting Verona where he comes across two boys selling strawberries.
Poetic device is one of the forms of literary devices used in the poetry. It is used to build the mood or feeling of the reader and to add life to the poetry.
Ragging is a kind of evil which has spread its wings even in educational institutes. It needs to be rooted out as early as possible so that the lives of innocent students, who become victims of it, can be saved.
Gone are the days when people had to wait for a longer period of time to receive a letter from their kith and kin. Besides, they had to spend a good amount in order to communicate with them
Debate is a way to express your opinion. There are two sides and you choose the side you think is right. The motive of a debate is to exhibit one's skill and ability in arguing be it in favour or against the motion.
Format of Speech Writing Class 12 Class 11 has been prepared for the students keeping the upcoming exams in mind. Students are suggested to go through the format and its sample.
HTET 2017 PGT level is being considered the toughest exam of this year conducted so far. But Brainylads always being ahead in the race presents you the answers of 15 common questions of English put up in the exam followed by 60 questions of PGT English and 20 common questions of Maths and Reasoning asked
In the first chapter, when the novel begins, we find a stranger moving towards Iping, a small hill side village of London, from Bramble Hurst. He is covered from top to bottom wearing long over coat, having pink nose and blue goggles with side light. The author (H.G Wells) too, calls him a wrapped up
Quotes inspire everyone to do better in lives. In order to motivate you and to keep your self-esteem higher, let us present you 10 quotes of this century which can change your life altogether.
Order placement has always been a tough task not only for the shopkeepers or businessmen but also for the students. While in class XII, students come across a lot of problems while writing this letter therefore we have brought to you its format along with a PDF file to download lest you should have any