MCQ Geography CUET 2022 | Common University Entrance Test |


MCQ Geography CUET 2022 | Central University Eligibility Test |

MCQ of Human Geography

1. Why dichotomy between physical and human geography is not valid?
a. Because of lack of evidences.
b. Because human and nature are inseparable.
c. Because of different ideologies.
d. None of the above.
Ans. Because human and nature are inseparable.

2. Which one of the following is not a suitable example of ‘organism’?
a. Mouth of the river
b. Nose of volcano
c. Profile of soil
d. Snout(nose) of glacier.
Ans. Nose of volcano

3. Who defined geography as “the synthetic study of relationship between human societies and earth’s surface”?
a. Ratzel
b. Ellen C. Semple
c. Paul Vidal de la Blache
d. None of the above
Ans. Ratzel

4. The interaction between primitive human society and strong forces of nature was termed as ___________?
a. Possibilism
b. Environmental determinism
c. Nondeterminism
d. None of the above
Ans. Environmental determinism

5. Tribes of Abujh Maad areas of central India is the best example of_________?
a. Possibility
b. Naturalization of humans.
c. Nondeterminism
d. None of the above
Ans. Naturalization of humans

6. Use of heaters in winters and air conditioners in summer is a suitable example of________?
a. Humanization of nature
b. Naturalization of human
c. Nondeterminism
d. None of the above.
Ans. Humanization of nature.

7. Which one of the following is the most crucial factor which help human beings to interact with their physical environment?
a. Animals
b. Natural phenomena
c. Technology
d. All of the above.
Ans. Technology

8. Who gave the concept of middle path(Madhya Marg) between the two ideas of environmental determinism and possibility?
a. Griffith Taylor
b. Ratzel
c. Ellen C. Semple
d. Paul Vidal de la Blache
Ans. Griffith Taylor

9. Early colonial period emphasized on_______?
a. Discovery and exploration of new areas.
b. Idea that regions were part of whole.
c. Socio political.
d. None of the above.
Ans. Discovery and exploration of new areas.

10. Post modernism approach in geography came in which period?
a. 1970s
b. 1950s
c. 1930s
d. 1990s
Ans. 1990s

MCQ of Population Distribution Density and Growth

1. Who said “Asia has many places where people are few but few places where people are many”?
a. George B. Cressey
b. Ralph waldo
c. Thomas Malthus
d. None of the following
Ans. George B. Cressey

2. Broadly 90% of the population lives in what percentage of total habitant land?
a. 5%
b. 10%
c. 20%
d. 50%
Ans. 10%

3. Which one of the following countries is not among top 10 nations with highest population?
a. Mexico
b. Russia
c. Bangladesh
d. South Korea
Ans. South Korea

4. Out of top 10 countries how may countries are in Asia?
a. 3
b. 4
c. 5
d. 6
Ans. 6

5. Which continent has highest population density?
a. Europe
b. Australia
c. Asia
d. Northern America
Ans. Asia

6. Which one of the following is not a geographical factor influencing the distribution of population?
a. Availability of water
b. Climate
c. Landform
d. Minerals
Ans. Minerals

7. Ruhr basin in Germany and Katanga Zambia copper belt in Africa area. perfect example of____?
a. Minerals
b. Climate
c. Soil
d. None of the above
Ans. Minerals

8. The Kobe Osaka region of Japan is thickly populated because of____?
a. Good climate
b. Presence of a number of industries
c. High minerals deposited
d. None of the above
Ans. Presence of a number of industries

9. What is the growth of population of India?
a. 18.15 crores
b. 20 crores
c. 17.8 crores
d. none of the above
Ans. 18.15 crores

10. Change of population in a particular area between two points of time is known as___?
a. Population density
b. Birth rate
c. Death rate
d. Growth of population
Ans. Growth of population

11. Which of the following is most suitable for a developed country?
A. positive growth of population
b. negative growth of population
c. high population density
d. low population density
Ans. Negative growth of population

12. In which type of migration, migrants moveout from the place of origin to a new place?
a. Immigration
b. Emigration
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above
Ans. Immigration

13. Which one of the following is a good example of push factor?
a. Poor living conditions
b. Education facilities
c. Better environment
d. Employment opportunities
Ans. Poor living conditions

14. Which one of the following is not a good example of pull factor?
a. Education facilities
b. Better environment
c. Employment opportunities
d. Unpleasant climate
Ans. Unpleasant climate

15. How many years it took to rise from 5 billion population to 6billion population?
a. 1 year
b. 20 years
c. 4 years
d. 12 years
Ans. 12 years

16. What is the growth rate of Asia (2010-15)?
a. 1.0%
b. 2%
c. 1.7%
d. None of the above
Ans. 1.0%

17. What is the annual population growth rate of India?
a. 1.63%
b. 1.64%
c. 1.65%
d. 1.66%
Ans. 1.64%

18. What was the reason behind high death rate in first stage of demographic transition?
a. Epidemic
b. Variable food supply
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above
Ans. Both a and b

19. What caused a boost in population in second stage of demographic transition?
a. Improvement in medical facilities
b. High fertility rate
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above
Ans. Both a and b

20. Why did both fertility rate and mortality are declined in third stage of demographic transition?
a. Urbanized population
b. better education
c. marriage control
d. all of the above
Ans. All of the above

21. The theory (1798) which states that the number of people will increase faster than food supply was stated by ___________?
a. George B. Cressey
b. Ralph waldo
c. Thomas Malthus
d. None of the following
Ans. Thomas Malthus

22. Which one of the following continents has the highest growth rate of population?
a. Asia
b. Europe
c. Australia
d. Africa
Ans. Africa

23. The world population exploded in eighteenth century after the____?
a. World war 2
b. Cold war
c. Civil war
d. Industrial revolution
Ans. Industrial revolution

MCQ of Population Composition

1. Which one of the following states has most unfortunate sex ratio in India according to census 2011?
a. Haryana
b. Punjab
c. Bihar
d. Uttar Pradesh
Ans. Haryana (861 female)

2. Which one of the following formulas can be used to calculate sex ratio in India?
a. Male population/ female population X 1000
b. Female population/ male population X 1000
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above
Ans. Female population/ male population X 1000

3. Which one of the following situations can lead to an unfortunate sex ratio?
a. Areas with the practice of female foeticide
b. Domestic violence
c. Female infanticide
d. All of the above
Ans. All of the above

4. What is the average sex ratio in the world?
a. 120 male/ 100 female
b. 210 male/ 100 female
c. 102 male/ 100 female
d. None of the above
Ans. 102 male/ 100 female

5. Which one of the following countries have highest sex ratio in world?
a. Latvia
b. USA
c. South Korea
d. Japan
Ans. Latvia

6. Which one of the following countries have lowest sex ration in the world?
a. India
b. UAE
c. Pakistan
d. Qatar
Ans. Qatar

7. According to the United Nations, how many countries are having unfavorable sex ratio?
a. 70
b. 71
c. 72
d. None of the above
Ans. 72

8. Population of what age group is considered as working population?
a. 15-59 years
b. 18-59 years
c. 18-60 years
d. None of the above
Ans. 15-59 years

9. On which side of the age- sex pyramid we represent female population?
a. Left side
b. Right side
c. Any side
d. None of the above.
Ans. Right side

10. Countries like Nigeria and Bangladesh are perfect example of which type of age sex pyramid?
a. Expanding population
b. Constant population
c. Declining population
d. None of the above
Ans. Expanding population

11. Which of the age sex pyramid is also known as ‘bell shaped pyramid’?
a. Expanding population
b. Constant population
c. Declining population
d. None of the above
Ans. Constant population

12. In which type of age sex pyramid population growth is usually zero or negative?
a. Expanding population
b. Constant population
c. Declining population
d. None of the above
Ans. Declining population

13. In which one of the following countries male outnumber female population in rural and female outnumber male in urban areas?
a. India
b. China
c. Finland
d. Pakistan
Ans. Finland

14. In European countries, a deficit of males is due to:
A. Low Birth Rate
B. High Death Rate
C. Better status of women
D. Better status of men
Ans. Better status of women

15. Which one of the following has caused the sex ratio of the United Arab Emirates to be low?
a. Selective migration of working population
b. High birth rate of males
c. Low birth rate of females
d. High out-migration of females.
Ans. High out-migration of female

MCQ of Human Development 

1. Which of the following points correctly defines the term growth?
a. Refer to change over a period of time.
b. Quantitative and value neutral
c. May be positive or negative
d. All of the above
Ans. All of the above

2. Which of the following is the meaning of development?
a. Negative as well as positive
b. Qualitative change which is always value positive
c. When there is quantitative change, development takes place
d. None of the above
Ans. Qualitative change which is always value positive

3. Which of the only criterion was used earlier for many decades to measure a country’s level of development?
a. In terms of its economic growth
b. In terms of increased literacy
c. In terms of increasing basic amenities.
d. In terms of more expenditure in the field of education.
Ans. In terms of its economic growth

4. Which of the following economists developed the concept of Human Development?
a. Amartya Sen
b. Kailash Satyarthi
c. Muhammad Yunus
d. Dr. Mehboob-ul-Haq
Ans. Dr. Mehboob-ul-Haq

5. Which of the following is not a key area of human development?
a. Access to resources
b. Access to health
c. Access to education
d. Access to lead a luxurious life
Ans. Access to lead a luxurious life

6. Which of the following reasons are responsible for the incapability and non-freedom to make even basic choices?
a. Their inability to acquire knowledge
b. Their material poverty
c. social discrimination and inefficiency of institutions
d. All of the above
Ans. All of the above

7. Which of the following pair is not correctly matched?
a. Equity – making equal access to opportunities available to everybody.
b. Sustainability – Continuity in the availability of opportunities.
c. Productivity – Resources must be used keeping in mind the future.
d. Empowerment- To have the power to make choices.
Ans. Productivity – Resources must be used keeping in mind the future.

8. Which of the following pair is not matched correctly?
a. Income approach – Human development is seen as being linked to income
b. Welfare Approach – It looks at human beings as beneficiaries or targets of all
development activities
c. Basic Needs Approach- Proposed by Dr. Mehboob-ul-Haq in which human
choices are considered
d. Capability Approach – Associated to Prof. Amartya Sen. Building human
capabilities in the areas of health, education and resources
Ans. Basic Needs Approach- Proposed by Dr. Mehboob-ul-Haq in which human
choices are considered.

9. Which of the following score represent the greater level of human development?
a. When the score is closer to 0.268
b. When the score is closer to 1
c. When the score is closer to 0.586
d. When the score is closer to -1
Ans. When the score is closer to 1

10. Which of the following countries is having lower rank in terms of human development index?
a. Sri Lanka
b. India
c. Tobago
d. Trinidad
Ans. India

11. Which of the following states performs much better in human development despite having lower per capita income?
a. Punjab
b. Haryana
c. Kerala
d. Tamil Nadu
Ans. Kerala

12. Which of the following countries attained a top rank in terms of its Human Development Index Value?
a. Norway
b. Denmark
c. Netherlands
d. Ireland
Ans. Norway

13. Which of the following factors are responsible for having the low level of human development index in some countries?
a. Political turmoil
b. social instability in the form of civil war
c. Famine or high incidence of diseases
d. All of the above
Ans. All of the above

14. Which one of the following countries is having lowest HDI?
a. Pakistan
b. Afghanistan
c. UAE
d. Nizar
Ans. Nizar

15. Which program was introduced by the government of India to address the issue of decline in child sex ratio?
a. Beti Bachao Beti Padhao
b. Annapurna Scheme.
c. Bhartiya Mahila Bank Business Loan.
d. Mudra Yojana Scheme.
Ans. Beti Bachao Beti Padhao

16. What means to have the power to make choices?
a. Equity
b. Sustainability
c. Productivity
d. Empowerment
Ans. Empowerment

17. Suppose a country scored 0.268 in HDI, in which category will this country come in?
a. Very high
b. High
c. Medium
d. Low
Ans. Very low

18. In which year United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) published its first human development report?
a. 1940
b. 1990
c. 1980
d. 1987
Ans. 1990

19. Which only country in the world officially proclaims the Gross National Happiness (GNH)?
a. India
b. USA
c. Japan
d. Bhutan
Ans. Bhutan

MCQ of Primary Activities 

1. Which of the following is correct about the economic activities?
a. These are human activities which generate income
b. They are broadly grouped in to primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary activities
c. Both (a) and (b) are correct
d. Only (a) is correct
Ans. Both (a) and (b) are correct.

2. Which of the following economic activities are directly dependent on environment?
a. Primary activities
b. Secondary activities
c. Tertiary activities
d. Quaternary activities
Ans. Primary activities

3. Which of the following activity was associated with earliest human beings?
a. Pastoralism
b. agriculture
c. Hunting and gathering
d. Mining
Ans. Hunting and Gathering

4. Consider and evaluate the following statements than choose correct options for them from the given options.
1. Many species now have become extinct or endangered due to illegal hunting.
2. The early hunters used primitive tools made of stones, twigs or arrows so the number of animals killed were limited.
a. Only statement 1 is correct
b. Only statement 2 is correct
c. Both statements 1 and 2 are correct
d. Both statements are incorrect
Ans. Both statements 1 and 2 are correct

5. Consider the following characteristics and choose suitable title for them from the given options.
a. Practiced in regions with harsh climatic conditions, often involves primitive societies.
b. Requires a small amount of capital investment
c. Operates at very low level of technology
a. Gathering
b. Hunting
c. Pastoralism
d. Nomadic herding
Ans. Gathering

6. In which of the following areas gathering practiced?
a. Northern Canada
b. Amazon Basin
c. Northern fringe of Australia
d. All of above
Ans. All of the above

7. Which of the following is not related with the items gathered by gatherer?
a. Balata
b. cosmetics
c. Wheat plant
d. rubber
Ans. Wheat plant

8. Consider and evaluate the following statements and choose the correct option from the
given options for the same.
I. Products of gathering cannot compete in the world market.
II. Synthetic products often of better quality and at lower prices
a. Both the statements I and II are correct
b. Both statements I and II are correct and the statement II is the true cause behind the
statement I.
c. Both the statements are incorrect.
d. Only statement I is true.
Ans. Both statements I and II are correct and the statement II is the true cause behind the
statement I.

9. Which of the following factor is most important for the movement of nomadic herders from one place to another?
a. Climatic conditions
b. Technological level
c. Amount of money
d. Quality of pastures and water
Ans. Quality of pastures and water

10.” Each nomadic community occupies a well-identified territory as a matter of tradition”
Above mentioned line is an important characteristic of which of the following activity?
a. Subsistence agriculture
b. Nomadic herding
c. Plantation agriculture
d. Collective farming
Ans. Nomadic herding

11. Make correct pairs from the given columns choose correct options;
1. Tropical Africa (i) Yak and Llamas
2. Sahara and Asiatic desert (ii) Reindeer
3. Mountainous areas of Tibet and Andes (iii) Sheep and goats
4. Arctic and sub Arctic areas (iv) Cattle
a. 1. (iv), 2. (iii), 3. (i), 4. (ii)
b. 1. (ii), 2. (iv) 3. (iii), 4. (i)
c. 1. (i), 2. (ii), 3. (iii), 4. (iv)
d. 1. (iii), 2. (i), 3. (iv), 4. (ii)
Ans. 1. (iv), 2. (iii), 3. (i), 4. (ii)

12. In Himalayan regions which of the following tribes are linked with the activity of Transhumance?
a. Bheels
b. Gonds
c. Bakarwals
d. Santhals
Ans. Bakarwals

13. Which of the following are the chief characteristic of Commercial livestock rearing?
a. Organized and capital intensive
b. Practiced on permanent ranches
c. Only one type of animal is reared
d. All the above
Ans. All of the above.

14. Grazing in parcels, is an important characteristic of which of the following activity?
a. Nomadic herding
b. Commercial livestock rearing
c. Dairy farming
d. Factory farming
Ans. Commercial livestock rearing

15. Commercial livestock rearing is not associated with which of the following countries?
a. Central China
b. New Zealand
c. Australia
d. Argentina
Ans. Central China

16. Which of the following area is not associated with Primitive subsistence farming?
a. Africa
b. South and Central America
c. New Zealand
d. South East Asia
Ans. New Zealand

17. Slash and burn agriculture is also known as –
a. Jhuming in North eastern India
b. Milpa in Central America
c. Ladang in Indonesia
d. All the above
Ans. All of the above.

18. Which of the following factor is responsible for the lessening trend reflected in the cycle of ‘Jhum’?
a. uneven topography of North-eastern India
b. Loss of fertility in different parcels
c. Lack of technology
d. Due to river Brahmaputra and vast network of its tributaries
Ans. Loss of fertility in different parcels.

19. Intensive subsistence agriculture is characterized by which of the following factors?
a. Land holdings are very small due to high density of population.
b. The yield per unit area is high but per labor productivity is low
c. Single crop specialization
d. Only (a) and (b) are correct
Ans. Only (a) and (b) are correct

20. Fodder crop is an important component of which of the following farming?
a. Mediterranean Farming
b. Mixed Farming
c. Extensive commercial grain farming
d. Dairy Farming
Ans. Mixed Farming

21. ‘Growing flowers’ especially tulips is the specialization of which of the following countries?
a. Norway
b. Sweden
c. Netherlands
d. Belgium
Ans. Netherlands

22. Which of the following column is not matched correctly?
a. Truck farming Growing of vegetables
b. Factory farming Rearing of poultry and cattle
c. Market gardening Growing of flowers
d. Viticulture Rearing of fish
Ans. Viticulture-rearing of fish.

23. Which of the following is an important feature of poultry farming and cattle rearing?
a. Breed selection and scientific breeding
b. Feeding of animals and poultry done on manufactured feed stuff
c. Farmers used to pool in all their resources
d. Only (a) and (b) are correct
Ans. Only (a) and (b) are correct

24. Which of the following crop is considered as the principal crop?
a. Wheat
b. Barley
c. Maize
d. Oats
Ans. Wheat

25.’Single crop specialization’ is the characteristics of which of the following type of
a. plantation agriculture
b. Mediterranean agriculture
c. Intensive subsistence agriculture
d. None of the above
Ans. None of the above.

26. Which of the following will be considered as an economic activity?
a. Teaching of students in the class by a teacher
b. Nursing of husband at home by a nurse
c. Giving services at free of cost at any religious place
d. Pilgrimage to old parents.
Ans. Teaching of students in the class by a teacher

27. Which of the following is not an economic activity?
a. Treatment of patient by a doctor
b. Selling of fruits by a fruit seller
c. Growing of crops by a farmer
d. Taking care of mother to her child
Ans. Taking care of mother to her child

28. Which of the following is not a primary activity?
a. Animal herding
b. Services of an advocate
c. Fishing
d. Mining
Ans. Services of an advocate

29. Which of the following represent ‘Red Collar Jobs’?
a. People engaged in primary activities and their working area is located outside the home
b. Mechanics, working in factories and industries
c. Peoples engaged in Research and Development
d. Teachers teaching in schools and universities and doctors in hospitals
Ans. People engaged in primary activities and their working area is located outside the home.

30. Which of the following is not matched correctly?
a. Amazon Basin Subsistence gathering
b. Arabian Peninsula Nomadic Herding
c. Argentina Extensive commercial grain farming
d. California Commercial livestock rearing
Ans. California- Commercial livestock rearing.

31. Consider the following statements related with nomadic herding-
1. The number of pastoral nomads has been decreasing.
2. This is mainly due to imposition of political boundaries.
Choose the correct options for the same.
a. Only 1 Is correct
b. Both 1 and 2 are correct
c. Only 2 is correct
d. Both are incorrect
Ans. Both 1 and 2 are correct

32. Which of the following is not a plantation crop?
a. Tea
b. Rice
c. Rubber
d. Sugarcane
Ans. Rice

33. Which of the following is not a feature of Dairy farming?
a. It is the most advanced and efficient type of rearing of mulch animals
b. It is practiced mainly near urban and industrial centers
c. Less capital investment is required
d. The largest area of Dairy farming is north –Western Europe.
Ans. Less capital investment is required

34. Which of the following country specializes in the growing of flowers?
a. Canada
b. Netherlands
c. Tasmania
d. Denmark
Ans. Netherlands

35. Which of the following countries became most successful in terms of Co-operative
a. Canada
b. Denmark
c. Belgium
d. Sweden
Ans. Denmark

36. To which of the following, coffee estates are known for in Brazil?
a. Fazenda
b. Truck Farming
c. Factory Farming
d. Dairy Farming
Ans. Fazenda

37. What is the meaning of Kolkhoz?
a. Commercial Farming
b. Collective Farming
c. Co-operative Farming
d. Market Gardening
Ans. Collective Farming

38. Citrus fruits are the specialty of which of the following agriculture?
a. Plantation Agriculture
b. Truck Farming
c. Mediterranean Agriculture
d. Co-operative Agriculture
Ans. Mediterranean Agriculture

39. In Europe livestock is reared on the manufactured feedstuff. What does such kind of
agriculture called?
a. Factory Farming
b. Market Gardening
c. Truck Farming
d. Dairy Farming
Ans. Factory Farming

40. Consider the following.
i. Brazil
ii. Denmark
iii. Netherlands
iv. New Zealand
Which of the above mentioned is famous for Dairy farming?
a. Only 1 and 3
b. Only 2 and 4
c. Only 1 and 4
d. Only 3 and 4
Ans. Only 2 and 4

MCQ of India People and Economy

1. Which one of the following is not a difference between rural and urban settlement?
a. Economic activity
b. Services
c. Social factors
d. Entertainment
Ans. Entertainment

2. How many types of rural settlements are broadly found in India?
a. 3 types
b. 4 types
c. 2 types
d. None of the above
Ans. 4 Types

3. In which of the following settlements fertile alluvial plains are usually found?
a. dispersed
b. hamleted
c. clustered
d. fragmented
Ans. Clustered

4. Which of the following settlements are usually Gujarat plain and some parts of Rajasthan?
a. dispersed
b. hamleted
c. clustered
d. fragmented
Ans. Fragmented

5. Which of the following settlements are locally called panna, para, palli, nagla, dhani, etc. in various parts of the country?
a. dispersed
b. hamleted
c. clustered
d. fragmented
Ans.  Hamleted

6. which one of the following settlement appear in the form of isolated huts or hamlets of few huts in remote jungle or hilly regions?
a. dispersed
b. hamleted
c. clustered
d. fragmented
Ans. Dispersed

7. How many types of towns are there in India according to their period of evolution?
a. 1 type
b. 2 types
c. 3 types
d. 4 types
Ans. 3 Types

8. Which of the following towns in India have historic background spanning over 200 years?
a. Ancient towns
b. Medieval towns
c. Modern house
d. None of these
Ans. Ancient Towns

9. The fort towns such as Delhi, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Lucknow, Agra and Nagpur are example of which type of town?
a. ancient towns
b. Medieval towns
c. Modern house
d. None of these
Ans. Medieval towns

10. Which one of the following is not a good example of modern towns in India?
a. Mumbai
b. Goa
c. Surat
d. Varanasi
Ans. Varanasi

11. According to 2011 what is the level of urbanization in India?
a. 30%
b. 20.89%
c. 31.16%
d. None of the above
Ans.  31.16%

12. Cities accommodating population size between one to five million are known as ______?
a. Towns
b. Mega city
c. Urban agglomeration
d. Metropolitan cities
Ans. Metropolitan cities

13. According to 2011, more than 60% of urban population in India lives in____?
a. Metropolitan cities
b. Mega city
c. Class I towns
d. None of the above
Ans.  Class I town

14. What percentage of urban population lives in mega cities?
a. 21% urban population
b. 37% urban population
c. 15% urban population
d. None of the above
Ans.  21% urban population

15. Which one of the following is not a type of town on the basis of their function?
a. Administrative towns
b. Industrial cities
c. Transport cities
d. Entertainment town
Ans. Entertainment Town

16. Which one of the following town were emerged as military training places and bases?
a. Industrial towns
b. Transport towns
c. Garrison towns
d. None of the above
Ans. Garrison Towns

17. Which one of the following is the largest agglomeration in India?
a. Greater Mumbai
b. Delhi
c. Kolkata
d. Chennai
Ans. Greater Mumbai

18. Which one of the following group of cities have been arranged in the sequence of their ranks i.e., 1, 2, 3 and 4 in size?
a. Greater Mumbai, Bangalore, Kolkata, Chennai
b. Delhi, Greater Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata
c. Kolkata, Greater Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata
d. Greater Mumbai, Kolkata, Delhi, Chennai
Ans. Greater Mumbai, Kolkata, Delhi, Chennai

19. Towns which have developed in mineral rich areas are known as ____?
a. Industrial towns
b. Tourist towns
c. Religious towns
d. Mining towns
Ans. Mining town

20. In which valley were Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro towns located?
A. Ganga
B. Narmada
C. Indus
D. Brahmaputra
Ans. Indus valley

21. How many towns are there in India?
A. 5161
B. 5598
C. 4268
D. 2611
Ans. 5161

22. How many million towns are there in India?
a. 30
b. 46
c. 55
d. 51
Ans. 55

MCQ of Migration Types Causes and Consequences

1. Which one of the following is not a stream of internal migration in India?
a. Urban to Urban
b. Urban to rural
c. Town to Rural
d. Rural to Urban
Ans. Town to Rural

2. The stream of internal migration is dominant by female migrants because of which reason?
a. Education
b. Marriage
c. Work and job
d. Business
Ans. Marriage (65%)

3. How many migrants have migrated to India according to census 2001?
a. 5 million
b. 3 million
c. 4.8 million
d. None of the above
Ans.  5 million

4. As far as emigration is concerned in India how many people have migrated across the globe?
a. 10 million
b. 20 million
c. 30 million
d. 40 million
Ans.  30 million

5. Which state of India receives the highest number of in-migrants?
a. Haryana
b. Punjab
c. Goa
d. Maharashtra
Ans.  Maharashtra (2.3 million)

6. Which of the following state in India recorded largest number of net out-migrants?
a. Bihar
b. Uttar Pradesh
c. Maharashtra
d. Haryana
Ans. Uttar Pradesh (-2.6 million)

7. Which one of the following is a bad example of push factor?
a. Flood
b. Political distress
c. Unemployment
d. Entertainment
Ans. Entertainment

8. Which one of the following is the major factor for male migration in India?
a. Business
b. Marriage
c. Education
d. Employment
Ans.  Employment (38 percentage)

9. In which of the following states male migrants after getting married?
a. Bihar
b. Sikkim
c. Kerala
d. Meghalaya
Ans. Meghalaya

10. In 2002, how much did India receive as remittances from international migrants?
a. US$ 11 billion
b. US$ 12 billion
c. US$ 13 billion
d. None of the above
Ans. US$ 11 billion

11. Which one of the following streams is dominated by male migrants in India?
a. Rural-urban
b. Urban-urban
c. Urban-rural
d. Rural-rural
Ans. Rural-urban

12. Which one of the following is the reason of low number of female migrants from rural- urban stream in India?
a. Lack of equality
b. Less security
c. Male dominance
d. All of the above.
Ans. All of the above

13. Which one of the following neighboring country have highest number of out-migration to India?
a. Bangladesh
b. Pakistan
c. Nepal
d. Sri Lanka
Ans. Bangladesh (3 million)

14. Which of the following urban agglomeration of India has the highest share of migrant population?
a. New Delhi
b. Greater Mumbai
c. Kolkata
d. Bangalore
Ans. Greater Mumbai

15. In which stream of migration is the number of intra-state migrants the largest in India?
a. Rural-urban
b. Urban-urban
c. Rural-rural
d. Urban-rural
Ans.  Rural-rural

16. How many female migrants migrate out for the purpose of employment?
a. 3 percent
b. 6 percent
c. 3.5 percent
d. 4 percent
Ans. 3 percent

17. Which one of the following is not a consequence of migration?
a. Economic consequences
b. Environmental consequences
c. Social consequences
d. Increase in sex ratio
Ans. Increase in sex ratio

a. Josh
b. Akbar
c. Mahatma Gandhi
d. Firaque Gorakhpuri
Ans. Firaque Gorakhpuri

MCQ of Population Distribution Density Growth and Composition 

1. What is the population of India according to census 2011?
a. 1,200 million
b. 1,300 million
c. 1,210 million
d. 1,310 million
Ans. 1,210 million

2. When was the first population census conducted in India?
a. 1872
b. 1842
c. 1873
d. 1875
Ans. 1872

3. What is the density of population of India 2011?
a. 382 person per sq km
b. 384 person per sq km
c. 382 person per sq m
d. 376 person per sq km
Ans. 382 person per sq km

4. The annual growth rate of India’s population is _____
a. 1.61 percent
b. 1.62 percent
c. 1.43 percent
d. 1.64 percent
Ans. 1.64 percent

5. Which phase is referred to population explosion in India?
a. Phase I
b. Phase II
c. Phase III
d. Phase IV
Ans. Phase III (1951- 1981)

6. What are the reasons for downfall in population growth in phase 4 in India?
a. Increase in the mean age at marriage.
b. Improved education.
c. Improved conditions of female in the country.
d. All of the above.
Ans. All of the above

7. The percentage of population living in villages according to 2011 is ____
a. 58.8%
b. 68.8%
c. 68.9%
d. 58.9%
Ans. 68.8%

8. Which state has highest percentage of rural population in India 2011?
a. Haryana
b. Uttar Pradesh
c. Bihar
d. Himachal Pradesh
Ans. Himachal Pradesh (89.96)

9. Which of the following state is most urbanized state of India?
a. Maharashtra
b. Punjab
c. Kerala
d. Goa
Ans. Goa

10. Workers who work for more than 184 days (more than 6 mounts) are considered as which type of worker?
a. Main worker
b. Marginal worker
c. Non workers
d. Self employed
Ans. Main workers

11. Which state holds the highest percentage of Hindu population in India?
a. Haryana
b. Punjab
c. Uttar Pradesh
d. Himachal Pradesh
Ans. Himachal Pradesh

12. The national youth policy which proposes a holistic ‘vision’ for the youth of India was launched in which year?
a. January 2014
b. February 2014
c. January 2015
d. February 2015
Ans. January 2014

13. Which one of the following is the largest linguistic group of India?
a. Sino- Tibetan
b. Indo-Aryan
c. Austric
d. Dravidian
Ans. Indo-Aryan

14. Which state has the highest sex ratio in India?
a. Kerala
b. Haryana
c. Punjab
d. Goa
Ans. Kerala

15. How much percent of World’s population is in India?
a. 16.7%
b. 18.6%
c. 14.6%
d. 16.8%
Ans. 16.7%

16. How many Million Plus towns are there in India according to 2001?
a. 42
b. 56
c. 54
d. 24
Ans.  54

17. What is the average sex ratio In India in 2011?
a. 919
b. 926
c. 934
d. 943
Ans. 943

18. In how many years India’s population will be doubled?
a. 32 years
b. 34 years
c. 36 years
d. 38 years
Ans. 36 years

19. Which of the following is most important factor for population change?
a. Death and Birth rate.
b. Migration
c. Both (A) and(B)
d. None of the above.
Ans. Both (a) and (b)

20. The highest density of India is found in_____
a. Haryana
b. Delhi
c. Uttar Pradesh
d. Bihar
Ans. Delhi

MCQ of Water Resources

1.How much part of the earth is covered with water?
a. 51%
b. 61%
c. 71%
d. 81%
Answer: 71%
2.How much freshwater is there out of total resources?
a. 0.5%
b. 1.0%
c. 2.5%
d. 3.0%
Answer: 3.0%
3.What is the share of India in the world’s water resources?
a. 1%
b. 2%
c. 3%
d. 4%
Answer: 4%
4.The total useful water resources of India are:
a. 1122 cubic km
b. 1222 cubic km
c. 1322 cubic km
d. 1422 cubic km
Answer: 1122 cubic km
5.How much percent of surface water in India can be used?
a. 22%
b. 25%
c. 32%
d. 35%
Answer: 32%

6.Which chemical has concentrated in water in Bihar?
a. Salt
b. Salinity
c. Fluoride
d. Arsenic
Answer: Arsenic
7.How much groundwater is used in Agriculture?
a. 72%
b. 82%
c. 85%
d. 92%
Answer: 92%
8. Which out of the following has the highest use of groundwater?
a. Punjab
b. Chhattisgarh
c. Bihar
d. Kerala
Answer: Punjab
9. How much percent of the Net sown area is irrigated in Punjab?
a. 65%
b. 75%
c. 80%
d. 85%
Answer: 85%
10. Which part of the river has good quality water?
a. Mountain
b. Plain
c. Delta
d. Valley
Answer: Mountain
11.Which one of the following types describes water as a resource?
a. Abiotic resource
b. Non-renewable Resources
c. Biotic Resource
d. Cyclic Resource.
Answer: Cyclic Resource.
12.Which one of the following rivers has the highest replenishable groundwater resource in the country?
a. The Indus
b. The Brahmaputra
c. The Ganga
d. The Godavari
Answer: The Ganga
13. The highest proportion of the total water used in the country is in which one of the following sectors?
a. Irrigation
b. Industries
c. Domestic use
d. None of the above
Answer: Irrigation

MCQ of People Population

  1. What is the population of India according to census 2011?
  1. 1,200 million
  2. 1,300 million
  3. 1,210 million
  4. 1,310 million

Ans. 1,210 million

  1. When was the first population census conducted in India?
  1. 1872
  2. 1842
  3. 1873
  4. 1875

Ans. 1872

  1. What is the density of population of India 2011?
  1. 382 person per sq km
  2. 384 person per sq km
  3. 382 person per sq m
  4. 376 person per sq km

Ans.  382 person per sq km

  1. The annual growth rate of India’s population is _____
  1. 61 percent
  2. 62 percent
  3. 43 percent
  4. 64 percent

Ans. 1.64 percent

  1. Which phase is referred to population explosion in India?
  1. Phase I
  2. Phase II
  3. Phase III
  4. Phase IV

Ans. Phase III (1951- 1981)

  1. What are the reasons for downfall in population growth in phase 4 in India?
  1. Increase in the mean age at marriage.
  2. Improved education.
  3. Improved conditions of female in the country.
  4. All of the above.

Ans. All of the above

  1. The percentage of population living in villages according to 2011 is ____
  1. 8%
  2. 8%
  3. 9%
  4. 9%

Ans. 68.8%

  1. Which state has highest percentage of rural population in India 2011?
  1. Haryana
  2. Uttar Pradesh
  3. Bihar
  4. Himachal Pradesh

Ans. Himachal Pradesh (89.96)

  1. Which of the following state is most urbanized state of India?
  1. Maharashtra
  2. Punjab
  3. Kerala
  4. Goa

Ans. Goa   

10. Workers who work for more than 184 days (more than 6 mounts) are considered as which type of worker?

  1. Main worker
  2. Marginal worker
  3. Non workers
  4. Self employed

Ans. Main workers

  1. Which state holds the highest percentage of Hindu population in India?
  1. Haryana
  2. Punjab
  3. Uttar Pradesh
  4. Himachal Pradesh

Ans. Himachal Pradesh

12. The national youth policy which proposes a holistic ‘vision’ for the youth of India was launched in which year?

  1. January 2014
  2. February 2014
  3. January 2015
  4. February 2015

Ans. January 2014

13. Which one of the following is the largest linguistic group of India?

  1. Sino- Tibetan
  2. Indo-Aryan
  3. Austric
  4. Dravidian

Ans. Indo-Aryan   

14. Which state has the highest sex ratio in India?

  1. Kerala
  2. Haryana
  3. Punjab
  4. Goa

Ans. Kerala

15. How much percent of World’s population lives in India?

  1. 17.5%
  2. 16%
  3. 16.2%
  4. 18.5%

Ans. 17.5%

  1. How many Million Plus towns are there in India according to 2001?
  1. 42
  2. 56
  3. 54
  4. 24

Ans. 54

17. What is the average sex ratio In India in 2011?

  1. 919
  2. 926
  3. 934
  4. 943

Ans. 943

18. In how many years India’s population will be doubled?

  1. 32 years
  2. 34 years
  3. 36 years
  4. 38 years

Ans. 36 years

  1. Which of the following is most important factor for population change?
  1. Death and Birth rate.
  2. Migration
  3. Both (A) and(B)
  4. None of the above.

Ans. Both (a) and (b)

  1. The highest density of India is found in_____
  1. Haryana
  2. Delhi
  3. Uttar Pradesh
  4. Bihar

Ans. Delhi

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