MCQ of The Rise of Nationalism In Europe | Class 10 | Social Science |


MCQ Of The Rise Of Nationalism In Europe | Unit 1| Class 10| Social Science| CBSE


1. What was the nationality of the artist Fredric Sourrieu who visualized in his painting a society made up of Democratic and Social Republic?
(a) Swiss

(b) American

(c) German

(d) French



2. What do you understand be the term ‘Nationalism’, which emerged as a great force in the late 19th century?
(a) Strong devotion for every country in the world.

(b) Strong devotion for one’s own country while disrespecting other nations.

(c) Strong devotion for one’s own country and its history and culture.

(d) Love and devotion for just own nation while hating other nations.

ANSWER: Strong devotion for one’s own country and its history and culture


3. What do you understand by the term suffrage?
(a) Disturbance

(b) The right to life

(c) The right to punishment

(d) The right to vote

ANSWER: The right to vote.


4. Which freedom fighter has the biggest statue of himself in Gujarat?
(a)Mahatma Gandhi

(b)Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

(c)Bal Gangadhar Tilak

(d)Lal Bahdur shastri

ANSWER: Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel


5. Choose the option which best defines the given sentence. When an abstract idea is expressed through a person or a thing. An allegorical story has two meanings, one literal and one symbolic.



(d)All of the above.

ANSWER: All of the above


6. Match the word with its symbol and choose the correct option.

A Sword 1 Symbol of German empire- Strength
B Broken Chains 2 Readiness to fight
C Breastplate with eagle 3 Being freed
D Crown of oak leaves 4 Heroism

(a) A4, B1, C3, D2

(b) A2, B3, C1, D4

(c) A3, B2, C4, D1

(d) A1, B4, C2, D3

ANSWER: A2, B3, C1, D4


7. The massacre at Chios, Eugene Delacroix happened in which year?
(a) 1822

(b) 1823

(c) 1834

(d) 1824

ANSWER: 1824


8. Which treaty recognized Greece as an independent nation?
(a) Treaty of Vienna

(b) Treaty of Constantinople

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) None of the above

ANSWER: Treaty of Constantinople


9. Between which time period did the unification of Germany happened?
(a) 1866-1871

(b) 1866-1870

(c) 1866-1873

(d) 1865-1870

ANSWER: 1866-1871


10. What happened in the year 1797?
(a) Napoleonic wars begin

(b) Napoleon invades Italy

(c) Napoleon visits Italy for tourism

(d) Option (a) and (b)

ANSWER: Option (a) and (b)

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11. Between which years the Unification of Italy happened?
(a) 1858-1871

(b) 1859-1872

(c) 1859-1870

(d) 1859-1869

ANSWER: 1859-1870


12. Which code is also known as Napoleonic code?
(a) Civil Code of 1804

(b) Civil code of 1803

(c) Civil code of 1802

(d) Civil code of 1801

ANSWER: Civil code of 1804


13.When Napoleon was defeated, the European governments were driven by a spirit of___



(d)None of the above

ANSWER: Conservatism


14.Who were known by the name ‘Junkers’?



(d)Large landowners

ANSWER: Large landowners

15.According to you, which of the given options is true with the reference of Romanticism?
(a)Cultural movements

(b)Freedom of markets

(c)Option (a) and (b)

(d)None of the above

ANSWER: Cultural movements


16.What was the custom formed by Prussia to abolish tariff barriers?
(a)L Patrie



(d)None of the above

ANSWER: Zollverein


17.Giuseppe Mazzini was a revolutionary from which country?






18.What was the type of conservative regimes that were set up in 1815 in Europe?



(d)None of the above

ANSWER: Autocratic


19.What was the name of the French artist who prepared a series of prints just by visualizing his dream of a world?
(a)Victor Philippe

(b)Andrew Wilson

(c)Richard M Hoe

(d)Fredric Sourrieu

ANSWER: Fredric Sourrieu


20.Who was declared as the King of united Italy in 1861?
(a)Andrew Willson

(b)Victor Emmanuel II


(d)Louis XVI

ANSWER: Victor Emmanuel II


21.Who painted the image of Germania?
(a)Richard S HOE

(b)Philip Vet

(c)Ernst Renon

(d)None of the above

ANSWER: Philip Vet


22.Which of the following person gave the statement saying, ‘When France sneezes, the rest of Europe catches cold’?
(a)Ernst Renan

(b)Duke Metternich



ANSWER: Duke Metternich


23.By the end of 18th century, something happened to Poland. What was that?
(a)Poland was partitioned at the end of 18th century by the three great powers: Russia, Prussia, Austria.

(b)Poland was partitioned at the end of 18th century by four great powers: Russia, Prussia, Austria and Australia.

(c)Poland was partitioned at the end of 18th century by two great powers: Prussia and Russia.

(d)Poland was partitioned at the end of the 18th century by three great powers: Russia, Prussia and Australia.

ANSWER: Poland was partitioned at the end of the 18th century by three Great Powers: Russia, Prussia and Austria.


24.By which victory, the three wars that was going on for seven years with Denmark, Austria, France and Germany ended?
(a)French victory

(b)Prussian victory

(c)German victory

(d)None of the above

ANSWER: Prussian victory


25.Who was declared as the emperor of Germany in 1871?
(a)Kaiser William I of Prussia

(b)Otto Von

(c)Victor Emmanuel

(d)Count Cavour

ANSWER: Kaiser William I of Prussia


26.By whom the treaty of Vienna was hosted?
(a)Victor Emmanuel II

(b)Victor Emmanuel I

(c)Duke Metternich

(d)None of the above

ANSWER: Duke Metternich


27.What was/were the constitutional and political change(s) that were brought by the French Revolution?
(a)It transferred power to a body of the French citizens

(b)It proclaimed that henceforth people would constitute the nation and shape its destiny,

(c)Both (a) and (b)

(d)None of the above

ANSWER: Both (a) and (b)


28.What do you understand by the term ‘Absolutist’?
(a)abstract art form


(c)Democratic Government

(d)Monarchial Government

ANSWER: Monarchial Government


29.What does Black, red and gold tricolor attribute symbolizes?
(a)Flag of the liberal-nationalists in 1848, banned by the Dukes of the German states.

(b)Symbol of German empire

(c)Willingness to make peace

(d)None of the above

ANSWER: Flag of the liberal-nationalists in 1848, banned by the Dukes of the German states.


30.When was the Ireland forcibly incorporated in United Kingdom?




ANSWER: 1801


31.Which of the following best defines the term ‘Plebiscite’?
(a)Plebiscite is a direct vote by which all the citizens of a region are asked to accept or reject a proposal.

(b)Plebiscite is a direct vote by which all the female members of matriarchal system were asked to accept or reject a proposal.

(c)Plebiscite is a direct vote by which all the males of a particular region were asked to accept or reject a proposal.

(d)Plebiscite is a direct vote by which only the female members of a particular region were asked to accept or reject a proposal.

ANSWER: Plebiscite is a direct vote by which all the citizens of a region are asked to accept or reject a proposal.


32.Which of the following countries were not a part of Congress of Vienna?



(d)All of the above

ANSWER: Switzerland

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