Amid a lot of fake news and posts being circulated on social media, The Central Board of Secondary education has issued a notification today making it clear that the board will conduct the Class 10 and Class 12 term 2 offline examination from April 26, 2022. Adding further to that, the board declared that the
Keeping the requests and demand of students in mind, BrainyLads has come up with a sample question paper of Class 12 English. This question paper is based on the latest syllabus and sample paper issued by CBSE. All of you are suggested to go through the questions carefully and answer them.
"मानवीय करुणा की दिव्य चमक” पाठ के लेखक सर्वेश्वर दयाल सक्सेना हैं। इस पाठ में सर्वेश्वर दयाल सक्सेना ने यूरोप के बेल्जियम नामक स्थान में जन्मे 'फादर कामिल बुल्के' के व्यक्तित्व और जीवन का बहुत ही सुंदर वर्णन किया है। फादर कामिल बुल्के एक ईसाई धर्म के संत थे लेकिन वो आम साधु - सन्यासियों
Since Shark Tank India has been aired, it has managed to have a special place in the hearts of Indian viewers. It would not be unfair to say that it has emerged as one of the best shows of Indian history which is being watched by millions everyday. This show is telecasted on Sony Tv
Letter writing has always been a very important skill for students. Even though there are many different types of letters, the most important one is the letter to the editor. Students often come across problems while writing this type of letter, but don't worry - we have provided you with a format that should help
A notice is an announcement that is meant for a specific group of people. Notices are often put up in public places or in newspapers and magazines. They always have important announcements or information, so the tone and style of notices is formal and factual. The language in notices should be simple and formal. Notices
A notice is an announcement or piece of information for a specific group of people. Notices are usually put up on public places or in newspapers and magazines. They always have formal announcements or information, so the tone and style of notices is formal and factual. The language in notices should be simple and formal.
लखनवी अंदाज कहानी के लेखक यशपाल हैं। यशपाल का जन्म सन 1903 में पंजाब के फिरोजपुर छावनी में हुआ था। उनकी प्रारंभिक शिक्षा कांगड़ा में में रहकर प्राप्त की और उन्होंने लाहौर के नेशनल कॉलेज से बी.ए की शिक्षा पूर्ण की । यहीं रहते हुए उनका परिचय भगत सिंह और सुखदेव से हुआ जो कि
If someone asks you about an abbreviation, you will be able to answer it. We have made a list of 100 of the most common abbreviations and their meanings. This way, you can be prepared for any questions that might come up.
If anyone asks you a question about an abbreviation, you will be able to answer it. We have made a list of 100 of the most common abbreviations and their meanings. This way, you can prepare for any questions that might come up.