People often ask about abbreviations in competitive exams and interviews. To help you prepare, we have created a list of 100 of the most common abbreviations.
ASL refers to Assessment of Speaking and Listening Skills. This is a test conducted for the students to test their aforesaid skills. It is compulsory for all the students and schools affiliated to CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education).
English Grammar is really important when it comes to competitive exams. There is hardly any exam that doesn't test your grammatical skills. Though, in English, there are many important grammatical topics such as; Tenses, Modals, Determiners, Pronoun, Subject Verb Concord/Agreement, Reported Speech, Preposition, Adjectives, Conditionals etc. but out of these, the most important topic is
प्रस्तुत कविता में कवि ऋतुराज ने माँ और बेटी के बीच के भावनात्मक एवं मार्मिक संबंध का चित्रण किया है । एक मां के लिए उसकी बेटी उसका पूरा संसार होती है और उसकी जीवन भर की समस्त संचित पूँजी होती है एक मां अपनी बेटी को अपने सारे संस्कार देते हुए उसका पालन-पोषण बड़े
A pronoun is a word that stands in for a noun. This means that it replaces the name of a person, place, thing, or idea. For example, 'Girl' is a noun and 'She' is a pronoun that stands in for the noun 'Girl.' Another example would be 'Lion' as the noun and 'It' as the
सूर्यकांत त्रिपाठी निराला (1899-1961) हिंदी साहित्य के एक महान कवि थे जिन्होंने न केवल काव्य अपितु गद्य लेखन में भी महत्वपूर्ण योगदान देते हुए उपन्यास, कहानियां और अनेक लेख लिखें l परंतु उनकी वास्तविक प्रसिद्धि उनके कविता लेखन के कारण ही है l वे छायावादी युग के चार स्तंभ कवियों में से एक माने जाते
TC refers to Transfer Certificate. When a student wants to switch or move to another school, he/she needs a TC i.e. known as Transfer Certificate. TC (Transfer Certificate) is a document that is provided by the Principal when they are moving to another school. Without this document, no student can change his school.
A letter of recommendation is a letter that someone writes on behalf of an applicant to give his/her personal assurance of person's educational or professional performance. This letter is written by someone who knows the applicant best. This type of letter is usually given by teacher to his/her student to be sent to someone considering
Annual Day/Function is considered to be a red letter day for every school or college. It is a very special day for the management of the school/college, students, teachers, parents. On this day, the school/college management shares its vision and future plans whereas students perform various activities such as; skits, dances, speeches etc. For a
People write down what happened to them, what they bought, and what they thought in a special notebook. They use their own words to describe things and they can write every day or every few days. It's up to them. People also write in a diary when something interesting happens or when they feel strongly