Environment Day Report Writing in English | Class 12 | English Core |


Environment Day Report Writing in English | Class 12 | English Core |

Report Writing Format 

In the CBSE Class 12 English Board and Class 11 English Examination, there are two types of reports which are frequently asked. These are a newspaper report and a magazine report. A newspaper report is one that is printed in a paper whereas a magazine report is most often written for a school magazine. It comes in choice with Article Writing, Speech Writing and Debate Writing. Format of Report Writing is given below.

Marking Scheme of Report Writing 

The word limit for writing a report lies between 120-150 words. It will carry 5 marks in Class 12 Board Term 2 Examination. Marking Scheme of Report Writing is given below.

Report Writing Format 01 mark
Content 02 marks
Expression 02 marks
Total 5 marks
  • Format : 01 Mark
  1. Title and By-Line
  • Content : 2 Marks
  1. Facts abut the topic-cause and effects of the issue
  2. Data and examples / real input
  3. Conclusion by giving suggestions
  • Expression and Creativity : 2 Marks
  1. Grammatical accuracy, appropriate words and spellings
  2. Coherence and relevance of ideas and style 

Features of a Good Report

  1. A good report is brief and adheres to the topic.
  2. It provides relevant information.
  3. It is logical and coherent.
  4. It has answers of questions begin with WH Family such as; What, When, Where, How etc.
  5. It has appropriate conclusion.

Format of Report Writing

  1. Headline– A brief but eye-catching title
  2. By line- Name of the person who is writing the report (Usually given in the question/heading)
  3. Brief Introduction – Briefly elaborate the account of the event/accident etc. (Must have answers of What, When, Where, Why, How, Who…)
  4. Conclusion– This include how the event/incident ended. 

Tips for Writing a Good Report

  1. Use formal but simple language
  2. Avoid writing at a stretch. Make paragraphs to make it interesting.
  3. Have a good hold on Past tense (Both Active & Passive Voice) for most of the reports are asked to be written elaborating a past event/accident/incident.
  4. Read as many reports as you can before putting pen to paper.
  5. Make it presentable, write it neatly and clearly.
  6. Use Active and Passive Voice in 70:30 ratio.
  7. Avoid writing long sentence. Make small sentences.
  8. Take care of punctuation.

Environment Day Report Writing

Question : Moon Pulic School celebrated Environment day yesterday in its campus with pomp and show. Write a report in about 150 words for your school’s magazine. You are Manoj Tiwari.

Solutions :

Moon Public School Celebrates Environment Day

(By-Manoj Tiwari)

Dharuhera :  Moon Public School, Dharuhera celebrated World Environment Day on 5th June with pomp and show. The event was held in school’s premises under the leadership of Mr. Anirudh Kalia, school’s Director and Principal. Mr. Ramnath Desuja (The Environment Minister, Haryana ) was invited as a Chief Guest to grace the occasion. 

The day was commenced with a plantation drive wherein 500 saplings were planted by the students with a motive to spread awareness among the people about the ways to protect our ailing mother earth and ever-suffering planet. Besides, more than 1000 plants were distributed to the passers-by with a message to protect our environment making it greener and cleaner.

Post that, various competitions were held such as; poster making, extempore, debates at both primary and secondary levels. The chief guest judged the posters, which were made by students without using any material that harms the environment, had a look at the PowerPoint presentations & 0ther creations of the students. The best ones were picked up and honoured by giving them away the prizes by the honourable guest of honour.

In the end, everyone took a pledge not to cut down the trees, keep our environment safe and make it worth-living. 


# Environment Day Report Writing

# Environment Day Report Writing Class 12 English


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