MCQ of Human Eye and Colourful World | Chapter 11 | Science | Class 10 |


MCQ of Human Eye and Colourful World, Chapter 11, Science, Class 10

MCQ of Human Eye and Colourful World


Question 1: Which part of light control the amount of light entering the eyes?

  1. Cornea
  2. Iris
  3. Pupil
  4. Retina

Answer: B (Iris) 

Question 2: Which part of the human eye is responsible for changing the focal length of eye lens?

  1. Iris
  2. Pupil
  3. Ciliary Muscles
  4. Eye lens

Answer: C (Ciliary Muscles) 

Question 3: The range of vision of a normal human eye is from infinity to about 

  1. 25 cm
  2. 2.5 cm
  3. 250 cm
  4. None of these

Answer: A (25 cm)

Question 4: The curved and transparent front surface of the eye is commonly known as

  1. Retina
  2. Cornea
  3. Ciliary Muscles
  4. Iris

Answer: B (Cornea) 

Question 5: The part of retina which is insensitive to light is generally known as

  1. Cornea
  2. Iris
  3. Blind Spot
  4. None of the above 

Answer: C (Blind Spot) 

You may also read MCQ of Chemical Reactions and Equations, MCQ of Acids Bases and Salts, MCQ of Metals and Non Metals, MCQ of Light Reflection and RefractionMCQ of Life Processes for better understanding of the chapters.

Question 6: What is aqueous humour?

  1. Watery liquid present between the Cornea and Eye lens
  2. Transparent jelly filled between Eye lens and Retina 
  3. Delicate membrane having large numbers of light sensitive cells
  4. This part of an eye is just like film in a camera

Answer: A ( Watery liquid present between the Cornea and Eye lens )

Question 7: Which of the following assertion is not accurate? 

  1. Ciliary muscles change the thickness of eye lens while focusing.
  2. The retina of an eye lens is just like film in a camera
  3. There is an eye lid in front of the eye which is just like shutter of camera. 
  4. The space between eye lens and retina is occupied by a transparent jelly like substance called aqueous humour

Answer: D ( The space between eye lens and retina is occupied by a transparent jelly like substance called aqueous humour )

Question 8: The scientific name of the part of the eye which is responsible for carrying signals from eye to the brain…

  1. Ciliary muscles
  2. Pupil
  3. Optic Nerve
  4. Cornea

Answer: C (Optic Nerve) 

Question 9: The defect of an eye called short sightedness is caused due to

  1. High converging power of eye lens
  2. Due to eye ball being too long
  3. Due to eye ball being too short
  4. Both (A) and (B)

Answer: D (Both (A) and (B) )

Question 10: The emergent ray of a light in a triangular glass prism is not … to the incident ray of light because the opposite faces of the glass prism are not parallel to one another.

  1. Perpendicular
  2. Parallel
  3. Inclined
  4. Information incomplete

Answer: B (Parallel) 

Question 11: Which colour is most deviated one?

  1. Violet
  2. Blue
  3. Red
  4. Green

Answer: A (Violet) 

Question 12: We can see the sun before the actual sunrise by a time period of about

  1. 5 minutes
  2. 15 minutes
  3. 2 minutes
  4. 4 minutes

Answer: C (2 minutes) 

Question 13: The stars twinkle but the planets do not twinkle at night since

  1. Stars are small but the planets are large
  2. The stars are very large but the planets are small
  3. The stars are much nearer but the planets are far off
  4. The stars are far off but the planets are nearer to the earth

Answer: D ( The stars are far off but the planets are nearer to the earth )

Question 14: The twinkling of stars is due to atmospheric

  1. Reflection of light
  2. Dispersion of light
  3. Interference of light
  4. Refraction of light

Answer: D (Refraction of light) 

Question 15: Due to atmospheric refraction; the time period from sunrise to sunset is lengthened by about 

  1. 4 minutes
  2. 6 minutes
  3. 2 minutes
  4. 5 minutes

Answer: A (4 minutes)

Question 16: The sun appear flattened at sunrise and sunset and this apparent flattening of the sun’s disc at sunrise and sunset is due to

  1. Dispersion
  2. Atmospheric Refraction
  3. Interference
  4. Reflection

Answer: B (Atmospheric Refraction) 

Question 17: The stars seems higher than they actually are, due to

  1. Diffraction of light
  2. Scattering of light
  3. Refraction of light
  4. Reflection of light

Answer: C (Refraction of light) 

Question 18: Among the following, the colour of light having the maximum wavelength is

  1. Violet
  2. Indigo
  3. Green
  4. Orange

Answer: D (Orange) 

Question 19: The splitting of white light  into seven colours on going through a glass prism is commonly defined as 

  1. Refraction 
  2. Deflecting
  3. Dispersion
  4. Scattering 

Answer: C (Dispersion) 

Question 20: Which one of the following colour component of white light has the least wavelength?

  1. Red
  2. Orange
  3. Violet
  4. Blue

Answer: C (Violet)

Question 21: The dispersion of white light occurs because

  1. Colours of white light travels at different speed through the glass prism
  2. Because of atmospheric refraction
  3. Because of different Source of light
  4. None of the above

Answer: A ( Colours of white light travels at different speed through the glass prism )

Question 22: The sky seems to be blue since some of the blue component of sunlight is scattered by

  1. Gas molecules present in air
  2. Dust particles present in air
  3. Water droplets suspended in air
  4. Sooth particles present in air

Answer: A (Gas molecules present in air)

Question 23: Sun seems to be of red colour at the time of sunset and sunrise since

  1. The red colour is least scattered
  2. The blue colour is least scattered
  3. The red colour is the most scattered one
  4. Blue colour is the most scattered one

Answer: D (Blue colour is the most scattered one)

Question 24: Which one of the following is not caused due to the atmospheric refraction of the light ?

  1. Twinkling of the stars at night
  2. Appearance of Sun at a higher point in the sky than it actually is
  3. Visibility of sun two minutes before the actual sunrise
  4. Appearance of Sun as red at sunset

Answer: D ( Appearance of Sun as red at sunset)

Question 25: The colour of the sunlight scattered by the dust particles present in the atmosphere is

  1. Red
  2. White
  3. Blue
  4. Yellow

Answer: B (White)

Question 26: What is the colour of the sunlight scattered by the air molecules present in the atmosphere?

  1. Orange
  2. Red
  3. Blue
  4. None of the above

Answer: C (Blue)

Question 27: When a beam of sunlight enters a dusty room through a window then its pass become visible to us since that any dust particle present in the air of scatter the beam of light in all the directions. The phenomenon associated with it is

  1. Tyndall Effect
  2. Dispersion
  3. Atmospheric reflection
  4. Interference of light

Answer: A (Tyndall Effect)

Question 28: The blue light present in sunlight is scattered……. than the red light.

  1. 1000 times more
  2. 10 times more
  3. 10 times less
  4. Always Lesser

Answer: B (10 times more)

Question 29: A beam of white light is shown on to a glass prism. The light can never be

  1. Deviated
  2. Dispersed
  3. Focused
  4. Refracted

Answer: C (Focused)

Question 30: Person have two eyes given in order to have

  1. Deeper field of view
  2. Coloured field of view
  3. Rear field of view
  4. Wider field of view

Answer: D (Wider field of view)

Question 31: When both eyes of a person are open then the individual’s field of view is about

  1. 90°
  2. 150°
  3. 180°
  4. 360°

Answer: C (180°)

Question 32: If a person cannot see the distant object clearly that he can see the nearby objects clearly. This refers that he is suffering from the defect of vision which is commonly known as

  1. Cataract
  2. Hypermetropia
  3. Myopia
  4. Presbyopia

Answer: C (Myopia)

Question 33: By adjusting the focal length of the islands are human eye can focus objects at a variable distances. This is due to

  1. Presbyopia
  2. Accommodation
  3. Near – sightedness
  4. Far – sightedness

Answer: B (Accommodation)

Question 34: Which type of following defect of vision cannot be corrected by using spectacles?

  1. Myopia
  2. Presbyopia
  3. Cataract
  4. Hypermetropia

Answer: C (Cataract)

Question 35: A student sitting on the last bench of his class cannot read the text written on the blackboard clearly but he can easily read the book kept on his desk. Which one of the following statement is correct regarding the student?

  1. The near point of his eyes has receded away
  2. The near point of his eyes has come closer to him
  3. The far point of his eyes has receded away
  4. The far point of his eyes has come closer to him

Answer: D (The far point of his eyes has come closer to him) 

Question 36: A person finds difficulty in seeing the distant objects clearly. His defect of vision can be easily corrected by the use of spectacles containing

  1. Concave lenses
  2. Plane lenses
  3. Contact lenses
  4. Convex lenses

Answer: A (Concave lenses) 


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