MCQ of Hydrogen | Chapter 9 | Chemistry | Class 11 | CBSE |


MCQ of Hydrogen, Chapter 9, Class 11, Chemistry


Question 1: In what respect electronic configuration of hydrogen and halogens are similar?

  1. Hydrogen and halogens have an electron in their outermost shell
  2. Hydrogen and halogens have an electron less than the noble gas configuration
  3. Hydrogen and halogens can lose one electron to form positive ions
  4. Hydrogen intelligence show noble gas configuration

Answer: B (Hydrogen and halogens have an electron less than the noble gas configuration)

Question 2: Which of the following properties of hydrogen is incorrect?

  1. Like halogens hydrogen exist as diatomic gas
  2. Like halogen hydrogen exhibits -1 oxidation state in its compound with metals
  3. Like halogen, hydrogen is liberated at cathode
  4. The ionization energy of hydrogen is quite close to halogens

Answer: C (Like halogen, hydrogen is liberated at cathode)

Question 3: A deuterium is

  1. An electron with a positive charge
  2. Nucleus having two protons
  3. Nucleus containing and neutron and two protons
  4. Nucleus containing a neutron and proton

Answer: D (Nucleus containing a neutron and proton)

Question 4: The isotopes of hydrogen have different physical properties due to difference in mass. They have almost same chemical properties with a difference in their rates of reaction which is mainly due to

  1. Their different enthalpy of bond dissociation
  2. Different electronic configuration
  3. Different atomic masses
  4. Different physical properties

Answer: A (Their different enthalpy of bond dissociation)

Question 5: Which of the following metals does not liberate hydrogen from acids?

  1. Fe
  2. Cu
  3. Mg
  4. Zn

Answer: B (Cu)

Question 6: A metal which does not react with cold water but reacts with steam to liberate H2 gas is

  1. Na
  2. Mg
  3. Au
  4. Fe

Answer: D (Fe)

Question 7: The process of production of syngas from sewage, saw dust, scrap wood, etc. is quite common these days. The production of syngas from coal is called

  1. Carbonisation
  2. Water gas shift
  3. Coal gasification
  4. Synthesis gas shift

Answer: C (Coal gasification)

Question 8: The production of dihydrogen obtained from coal gasification can be increased by reacting carbon monoxide of syngas mixture with steam in presence of a catalyst iron chromate. What is the process called?

  1. Hydrogen gas
  2. Water gas shift reaction
  3. Coal gas shift reaction
  4. Syn gasification

Answer: B (Water gas shift reaction)

Question 9: Which of the following is not a property of hydrogen?

  1. It is colourless and odourless gas
  2. It is highly combustible
  3. It is highly poisonous gas
  4. It is lighter than air

Answer: C (It is highly poisonous gas)

Question 10: Hydrogen burns in air with a

  1. Light bluish flame
  2. Yellow flame
  3. Crimson red flame
  4. Green flame

Answer: A (Light bluish flame)

You may also read MCQ of Basic Concepts of Chemistry, MCQ of Structure of Atom, MCQ of Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties, MCQ of Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure, MCQ of States of Matter, MCQ of Redox ReactionsMCQ of Organic Chemistry; Some Basic Principles and Techniques for better understanding of the chapters.

Question 11: Alkenes combine with carbon monoxide and hydrogen in presence of octacarbonyldicobalt as catalyst under high temperature and pressure to form

  1. Aldehydes which can be further reduced to alcohols by hydrogen
  2. Alkanes which are formed by addition of hydrogen
  3. Alcohols formed by the reaction of CO and hydrogen
  4. Ketones which can be further reduced to aldehydes by hydrogen

Answer: A (Aldehydes which can be further reduced to alcohols by hydrogen)

Question 12: Which of the following statements is correct regarding hydrogen?

  1. Hydrogen shows +1 and -1 oxidation State
  2. Hydrogen is never liberated at anode
  3. Hydrogen has same ionization enthalpy as that of alkali metals
  4. Hydrogen has same electronegativity as that of halogens

Answer: A (Hydrogen shows +1 and -1 oxidation State)

Question 13: What is the trend of boiling points of hydrides of N, O and F?

  1. Due to lower molecular masses NH3, H2O and HF have lower boiling points than those of subsequent group members hydrides
  2. Due to higher electronegativity of N, O and F; NH3 , H2O and HF show hydrogen bonding and has higher boiling point than hydrides of their subsequent group members
  3. There is no regular trend in the boiling point of hydrides
  4. Due to higher oxidation States of N, O and F , the boiling point of NH3 , H2O and HF a diet in the hydrides of their subsequent group members

Answer: B (Due to higher electronegativity of N, O and F; NH3 , H2O and HF show hydrogen bonding and has higher boiling point than hydrides of their subsequent group members)

Question 14: Which of the following statements regarding hydrides is not correct?

  1. Ionic hydrides are crystalline, non volatile and non conducting in solid state
  2. Electron deficient hydrides acts as Lewis acids or electron acceptor
  3. Elements of group 13 form electron deficient hydrides
  4. Elements of group 15-17 form electron precise hydrides

Answer: D (Elements of group 15-17 form electron precise hydrides )

Question 15: Which of the following metals directly combine with hydrogen gas to give a hydride?

  1. Au
  2. Ni
  3. Ca
  4. Cu

Answer: C (Ca)

Question 16: Carbon hydrides of the type, CnH2n+2 do not exists Lewis acid or Lewis base. The behave as normal covalent hydrides because

  1. Carbon hydrides are electron rich hydrides
  2. Carbon hydrides are electron deficient hydrides
  3. Carbon hydrides are electron precise hydride
  4. Carbon hydrides are non stoichiometric hydrides

Answer: C (Carbon hydrides are electron precise hydride)

Question 17: Among NH3, H2O, HF and H2S which would have highest magnitude of hydrogen bonding?

  1. HF due to maximum polarity
  2. H2O due to lone pair of electrons
  3. NH3 due to small size of nitrogen
  4. H2S due to higher electron affinity of sulphur

Answer: A (HF due to maximum polarity)

Question 18: Given below are the elements and the type of hydrides formed by them. Mark are incorrect match

  1. Phosphorus – Molecular hydride
  2. Potassium – Ionic hydride
  3. Vanadium – Interstitial hydride
  4. Nitrogen – Electron deficient covalent hydride

Answer: D (Nitrogen – Electron deficient covalent hydride)

Question 19: The density of water is less in its solid state because

  1. In solid state water molecules are arranged in a highly ordered open cage like structure
  2. More extensive hydrogen bonding is present in solid state ice
  3. The water molecules are closest in solid state of water
  4. Water is a rigid crystalline and closely packed structure in its solid state

Answer: A (In solid state water molecules are arranged in a highly ordered open cage like structure)

Question 20: Presence of water can be detected by

  1. Adding a drop to anhydrous copper sulphate which changes its colour from white to blue
  2. By boiling and testing for the presence of H2 and O2
  3. By seeing its colour and transparency
  4. By checking the production of lather when mixed with soap

Answer: A (Adding a drop to anhydrous copper sulphate which changes its colour from white to blue )

Question 21: Which of the following is not a process of preparation of hydrogen peroxide?

  1. Auto oxidation of 2-ethyl anthraquinol
  2. By passing oxygen through boiling water
  3. By oxidation of isopropyl alcohol
  4. By Reaction of barium peroxide with dil. H2SO4

Answer: B (By passing oxygen through boiling water )

Question 22: Which of the following reagents can be used for preparation of hydrogen peroxide?

  1. Sodium peroxide
  2. 2-ethylanthraquinol
  3. Barium peroxide
  4. All of these

Answer: D (All of these)

Question 23: Which of the following statements regarding hydrogen peroxide is false?

  1. It is a strong oxidizing agent
  2. It is decomposed by MnO2
  3. It behaves as a reducing agent
  4. It is more stable in basic solution

Answer: D (It is more stable in basic solution)

Question 24: H2O2 acts as bleaching agent because of

  1. Reducing nature of H2O2
  2. Oxidizing nature of H2O2
  3. Acidic nature of H2O2
  4. Basic nature of H2O2

Answer: B (Oxidizing nature of H2O2)

Question 25: What happens when an alkaline solution of potassium ferricyanide is reacted with H2O2?

  1. Potassium ferricyanide is oxidised to potassium ferrocyanide and H2O2 is oxidised to O2
  2. Potassium ferricyanide becomes colourless and H2O2 is oxidised to O2
  3. Potassium ferricyanide is reduced to ferric hydroxide and H2O2 is oxidised to H2O
  4. Potassium ferricyanide is reduced to potassium ferrocyanide and H2O2 is oxidised to O2

Answer: D (Potassium ferricyanide is reduced to potassium ferrocyanide and H2O2 is oxidised to O2)

Question 26: Statues and paintings on coating with white lead turn Black on long exposure to atmosphere. The original colour can be restored by treating them with H2O2. The reason behind this is

  1. Blackend statues get coated with PbS which on reaction with H2O2 is oxidized to white PbSO4
  2. H2O2 dissolves the coating of white lead and exposes the inner surface
  3. White lead reacts with H2O2 to form PbSO4
  4. Black and statues get coated with lead sulphate which reacts with H2O2 to give PbS

Answer: A (Blackend statues get coated with PbS which on reaction with H2O2 is oxidized to white PbSO4)

Question 27: Why does H+ ion always get associated with other atoms or molecules?

  1. Ionisation energy of hydrogen resembles that of alkali metals
  2. Its reactivity is similar to hydrogen
  3. It resembles both alkali metals and halogens
  4. Loss of an electron from hydrogen atom results in a nucleus of very small size as compared to other atoms or ions. Due to small size it cannot exist free 

Answer: D ( Loss of an electron from hydrogen atom results in a nucleus of very small size as compared to other atoms or ions. Due to small size it cannot exist free )

Question 28: From the following statements regarding H2O2, choose the incorrect statement.

  1. It has to be stored in plastic or wax lined bottles in dark
  2. It has to be kept away from dust
  3. It can act as an oxidising agent
  4. It decomposes on exposure to light

Answer: C (It can act as oxidising agent)

Question 29: Identify the reaction which does not liberate hydrogen

  1. Reaction of lithium aluminium hydride with B2H6
  2. Electrolysis of acidified water using Pt electrodes
  3. Reaction of zinc with aqueous alkali
  4. Allowing a solution of sodium in liquid ammonia to stand

Answer: A (Reaction of lithium aluminium hydride with B2H6)

Question 30: The correct nature of hydrogen peroxide is

  1. Oxidising and reducing agent in  acidic and basic medium
  2. Oxidising agent in acidic medium, but not in basic medium
  3. Oxidising and reducing agentin acidic medium, but not in basic medium
  4. Reducing agent in basic medium, but not in acidic medium

Answer: A ( Oxidising and reducing agent in both acidic and basic medium )

Question 31: The chemical nature of hydrogen peroxide is

  1. Oxidising and reducing in both acidic and basic medium
  2. Oxidising agent in acidic medium but not in basic medium
  3. Oxidising and reducing agent in acidic medium, but not in basic medium
  4. Reducing agent in basic medium, but not in acidic medium

Answer: A ( Oxidising and reducing in both acidic and basic medium )

Question 32: Select the incorrect statements from the following:

(I) H+ can exist as H9O4+ in water

(II) H2 is thermally stable

(III) Ionisation of CH3COOH is slower than CH3COOD

(IV) Bleaching action of H2O2 is due to its oxidising property as well as reducing property

  1. Only I and II
  2. Only II, III and IV
  3. Only III and IV
  4. Only I and IV

Answer: C (Only III and IV)

Question 33: Consider the following statement:

(I) Atomic hydrogen is passing hydrogen through an electric arc

(II) Hydrogen gas will not reduce heated aluminium oxide

(III) Finely divided palladium adsorbs large volume of hydrogen gas

(IV) Nascent hydrogen is less active than ordinary hydrogen

  1. Only I, II
  2. Only II, IV
  3. Only I, II , III
  4. Only I , IV

Answer: C (Only I, II , III)

Question 34: Some of the major uses of heavy water are given below. Which one is not correct?

  1. It is used as a moderator in nuclear reaction
  2. It is used as tracer compound for studying reaction mechanism
  3. High concentration of heavy water accelerates the growth of water
  4. It is used in preparing deuterium

Answer: C ( High concentration of heavy water accelerates the growth of water )

Question 35: Consider the reactions: 

(A) H2O2 + 2HI → I2 + 2H2O

(B) HOCl + H2O→ H3O+ + Cl¯ + O2

  1. An oxidising agent in both (A) and (B)
  2. An oxidising agent in (A) and reducing agent in (B)
  3. A reducing agent in (A) and oxidising agent in (B)
  4. A reducing agent in both (A) and (B)

Answer: B ( An oxidising agent in (A) and reducing agent in (B) )


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