MCQ of Marketing Management | Class 12 | Business Studies | Term 1 |


MCQ of Marketing Management | Class 12 | Business Studies | Term 1 |


Q1. According to traditional view, market refers to 
a. people or organisations who want to satisfy their needs
b. a particular place where buyers and sellers meet each other and conduct buying and selling activities
c. a group of the actual and potential buyers of goods & services
d. None of these
Answer : A particular place where buyers and sellers meet each other and conduct buying and selling activities

Q2. According to modern view, market refers to 
a. people or organisations who want to satisfy their needs
b. a particular place where buyers and sellers meet each other and conduct buying and selling activities
c. a group of the actual and potential buyers of goods or services
d. None of these
Answer : a group of the actual and potential buyers of goods or services

Q3. ____ refers to the people or organisations that want to satisfy their needs
a. Market
b. Marketer
c. Customer
d. Need
Answer: Customer

Q4. Who is marketer?
a. It refers to the people or organisations who want to satisfy their needs
b. It refers to the sale of goods and services through advertisement, publicity and salesmanship
c. It refers to any person who takes more active part in the process of exchange
d. It refers to a group of the actual and potential buyers of goods & services
Answer : It refers to any person who takes more active part in the process of exchange

Q5. What are the two types of marketer?
a. Good marketer and bad marketer
b. Good marketer and service marketer
c. Cash marketer and credit marketer
d. None of these
Answer : Good marketer and service marketer

Q6. ____ refers to that process under which valuable goods / services are created, offered and by doing transaction independently, the needs are satisfied.
a. Selling
b. Marketing management
c. Marketing
d. Marketer
Answer : Marketing

Q7. ____ means a feeling of deficiency of something.
a. Marketing
b. Need
c. Want
d. Selling
Answer : Need

Q8. When need is seen in some special context, it is called ____
a. Marketing
b. Need
c. Want
d. Selling
Answer :Want

Q9. Features of marketing involve 
a. Need and want
b. Relief to top management
c. Exchange mechanism
d. Both a and c
Answer : Both a and c

Q10. Anything that can be of value to the buyer can be termed as
a. Gift
b. Product
c. Charity
d. Market
Answer : Product

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Q11. ____ refers to the combination of all decisions relating to the product.
a. Product
b. Product mix
c. Market
d. Marketing mix
Answer : Product mix

Q12. What do you mean by branding?.
a. It refers to that part of Brand which cannot be spoken but can be recognised easily
b. It refers to that part of Brand which can be spoken
c. It refers to special word, symbol, letter Or the mixture of all these
d. It refers to that process through which a special identification of product is established
Answer : It refers to that process through which a special identification of product is established

Q13. ____ refers to that part of Brand which can be spoken.
a. Brand
b. Branding
c. Brand name
d. Brand mark
Answer : Brand name

Q14. ____refers to special word, symbol, letter or the mixture of all these.
a. Brand
b. Branding
c. Brand name
d. Brand mark
Answer : Brand

Q15. When a Brand is registered under the ____, it becomes the Trade Mark.
a. Trade Marks act, 1996
b. Trade Marks act, 1997
c. Trade Marks act, 1998
d. Trade Marks act, 1999
Answer : Trade Marks act, 1999

Q16. ____ refers to the combination of those activities which are related with the designing and production of the containers in which the products are packed.
a. Packaging
b. Branding
c. Labelling
d. Advertising
Answer : Packaging

Q17. ____ refers to the process of preparing label
a. Packaging
b. Branding
c. Labelling
d. Advertising
Answer : Labelling

Q18. What is meant by Price mix?
a. It refers to the combination of all those decisions which are concerned with the price fixation of any product or service
b. It refers to the combination of promotional tools used by the business to inform and persuade the customers about the products
c. It refers to the combination of all decisions relating to make products available to consumers
d. None of these
Answer : It refers to the combination of all those decisions which are concerned with the price fixation of any product or service

Q19. … refers to the combination of all decisions relating to make products available to consumers.
a. Price mix
b. Product mix
c. Promotion mix
d. Place mix
Answer : Place mix

Q20. ____ refers to the combination of promotional tools used by the business to inform and persuade the customers about the products
a. Price mix
b. Product mix
c. Promotion mix
d. Place mix
Answer : Promotion mix

Q21. ____ can be described as the art of creating a demand for article or a service.
a. Packaging
b. Labelling
c. Branding
d. Advertising
Answer : Advertising

Q22. Personal selling consists of :
a. Home delivery of various product personally
b. Contacting customers of various product personal
c. Contacting prospective buyers of product personally
d. None of these
Answer : Contacting prospective buyers of product personally

Q23. Qualities of a good salesman include
a. Provide compulsion Home delivery
b. Social attributes
c. Provide mostly credit sales of product
d. None of these
Answer : Social attributes

Q24. Tools to establish public relations include :
a. News
b. Personal meeting
c. Printed material
d. Both a and c
Answer : Both a and c

Q25. ____ refers to non-sales communication which a business has with its various audience.
a. Grapevine communication
b. Sales promotion
c. Public relations
d. Personal selling
Answer : Public relations

Q26. Under… method, the customer of a particular product are offered gifts on a fixed date and the winners are decided by the draw of lots.
a. Rebate
b. Discount
c. Instant draw
d. Lucky draw
Answer : Lucky draw

Q27. Under____ method, a customers is asked to scratch a card on the purchase of a product and the name of the product is inscribed thereupon which is immediately offered to the customer as a gift
a. Rebate
b. Discount
c. Lucky draw
d. Instant draw and Assigned gift
Answer: Instant draw and Assigned gift

Q28. Under ____ method, coupons are distributed among the consumers on behalf of the producer.
a. Assigned gift
b. Sampling
c. Usable benefits
d. Contests
Answer : Usable benefits

Q29. Rebate, discount, refunds, contests are major techniques of :
a. Personal selling
b. Sales promotion
c. Public relations
d. Marketing
Answer : Sales promotion

Q30. Marketing is a … process
a. Physical
b. Social
c. Chemical
d. None of these
Answer : Social

Q31. Which of the following things are important in respect of exchange?
a. The presence of two sides- the buyer and the seller
b. One party should be capable of paying something
c. Both the parties make transactions for their own satisfaction
d. Both a and c
Answer : Both a and c

Q32. Marketing has ____ scope.
a. Narrow
b. Broad
c. Limited
d. None of these
Answer: Broad

Q33. Selling has ____ scope.
a. Narrow
b. Broad
c. Limited
d. None of these
Answer : Narrow

Q34. Main steps involved in the process of marketing management are :
a. Choosing a target market
b. Growing consumers in target market
c. Creating superior values
d. All of these
Answer : All of these

Q35. 4 P stand for :
a. Packaging, packing, Price, promotion
b. Place, packaging, police, promotion
c. Product, Promotion, Price, Place
d. None of these
Answer : Product, Promotion, Price, Place

Q36. ____ refers to that process which makes the product attractive to the target customers.
a. Standardisation
b. Product designing and development
c. Grading
d. Customer support service
Answer : Product designing and development

Q37. … refers to a group of services which aim at providing maximum satisfaction to the customers.
a. Standardisation
b. Product designing and development
c. Grading
d. Customer support service
Answer : Customer support service

Q38. A product provides _____ types of satisfaction.
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5
Answer: 3

Q39. Functions of branding include 
a. Providing information required by law
b. Grading the product
c. Creating product differentiation
d. Product protection
Answer : Creating product differentiation

Q40. Functions of labelling don’t include 
a. Providing information required by law
b. Grading the product
c. Creating product differentiation
d. Help in Product promotion
Answer : Creating product differentiation

Q41. Product identification and product protection is primary function of :
a. Branding
b. Labelling
c. Grading
d. Packaging
Answer : Packaging

Q42. There are _____ levels of packaging.
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5
Answer : 3

Q43. ____ refers to that container which is very close to the product.
a. Grading
b. Primary packaging
c. Secondary packaging
d. Transportation packaging
Answer : Primary packaging

Q44. Price of goods and services are expressed in ____
a. Qualitative terms
b. Monetary terms
c. Descriptive terms
d. Oral form
Answer : Monetary terms

Q45. Advertising, personal selling, sales promotion are elements of
a. Place mix
b. Promotion mix
c. Product mix
d. Price mix
Answer: Promotion mix

1. Service marketer do not sell any product but provide only services.
2. The concept of Need and want in the marketing are similar.
3. The scope of marketing is narrow and scope of selling is broad.
4. Choosing a target market is first main step of process of marketing management.
5. Advertising is impersonal and personal selling is personal


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