MCQ of Indian Economy on the Eve of Independence | Class 12 |


MCQ of Indian Economy on the Eve of Independence Class 12 Economics


Q1. Agriculture was exploited through _____ system of land revenue.
a. Ryotwari
b. Zamindari
c. Mahalwari
d. None of these
Answer : Zamindari

Q2. Who were declared as owners of the soil, under colonial exploitation of Indian agriculture sector?
a. Tillers
b. Zamindars
c. People of main government
d. None of these
Answer : Zamindars

Q3. Who got bare minimum for survival under colonial exploitation of Indian agriculture sector?
a. Tillers
b. Zamindars
c. Government
d. Public
Answer: Tillers

Q4. Who spent their revenue income on the luxurious of life, under colonial exploitation of Indian agriculture sector?
a. Tillers
b. Zamindars
c. Government
d. Public
Answer : Zamindars

Q5. Before the destruction by the British government, Indians _____enjoyed a World Wide reputation for their variety and quality.
a. International trade
b. Handicrafts
c. Agriculture sector
d. Service sector
Answer : Handicrafts

Q6. Which economy shows little Or no growth in income?
a. Backward
b. Stagnant
c. Mixed
d. Capital
Answer : Stagnant

Q7. Which of the following economy has low per capita income?
a. Backward
b. Stagnant
c. Mixed
d. Semi – feudal
Answer : Backward

Q8. Which of the following are features of Indian economy?
a. Stagnant economy
b. Backward economy
c. Poor infrastructure
d. All of these
Answer : All of these

Q9. On the eve of independence, Indian economy was a _____ economy.
a. Feudal
b. Semi – feudal
c. Capitalist
d. None of these
Answer: Semi – feudal

Q10. Who was the notable economist that estimated India’s national and per capita income?
a. Adam Smith
b. Milton Friedman
c. Joseph E. Stiglitz
d. William Digby
Answer: William Digby

We would love to see you going through MCQ of Indian Reforms Since 1991, MCQ of Human Capital Formation, MCQ of Rural Development, MCQ of Poverty for better clarity and understanding of the chapters.

Q11. _____ farming is a form of farming in which the crops are produced to provide for the basic needs of the family.
a. Organic farming
b. Subsistence farming
c. Commercial farming
d. Nomadic farming
Answer : Subsistence farming

Q12. Which of the following characteristic was not revealed by Indian agricultural sector on the eve of independence?
a. Forced commercialization of agriculture
b. High degree of uncertainty
c. Systematic land holdings
d. Dominance of subsistence farming
Answer: Systematic land holdings

Q13. Commercialization of agriculture refers to
a. Shift from cultivation for the market to cultivation for self – consumption
b. Increasing the man power in the agriculture work
c. Subsistence farming
d. Shift from cultivation for self – consumption to cultivation for the market
Answer: Shift from cultivation for self – consumption to cultivation for the market

Q14. Farmers were forced for cultivation of _____ crops 
a. Rice
b. Wheat
c. Indigo
d. Maize
Answer: Indigo

Q15. In how many sectors is the occupational structure of India divided?
a. six
b. Two
c. Three
d. Four
Answer : Three

Q17. Service sector is also called _____
a. Tertiary 
b. Primary
c. Secondary
d. Agriculture
Answer : Tertiary

Q18. The nature of the Indian economy on the eve of independence was
a. Stagnant
b. Backward
c. Underdeveloped
d. All of these
Answer: All of these

Q19. The life expectancy at birth in India on the eve of Independence was
a. 44 years
b. 50 years
c. 60 years
d. 75 years
Answer : 44 years

Q20. The growth rate of per capita income in India on the eve of Independence was
a. 0.9%
b. 0.5%
c. 1.2%
d. 3%
Answer : 0.5%

Q21. Which of the following activities are included in the primary sector?
a. Agriculture
b. Service
c. Industries
d. All of these
Answer: Agriculture

Q22. Manufacturing activity is included in _____ sector.
a. Primary
b. Tertiary
c. Secondary
d. All of these
Answer : Secondary

Q23. The first iron and steel company was established in _____
a. Kolkata
b. Jamshedpur
c. Patna
d. Ranchi
Answer : Jamshedpur

Q24. The tax or duty on imports is called 
a. Tariff
b. Quota
c. Export
d. None of these
Answer : Tariff

Q25. Which of the following was the major occupation on the eve of independence?
a. Industry
b. Service
c. Agriculture
d. None of these
Answer : Agriculture

Q26. The second stage of demographic transition began after ________ in India.
a. 1920
b. 1921
c. 1922
d. 1931
Answer : 1921

Q27. Indian economy served as a source of _______ for the British industry and a market for its finished goods.
a. Financial help
b. Natural resources
c. Raw material
d. None of these
Answer: Raw material

Q28. ______ were developed by the British raj as a means to enlarge the size of the market for the British goods.
a. Ships
b. Railways
c. Roadways
d. Bicycles
Answer: Railways

Q29. In which year did the British introduced the railways in India?
a. 1845
b. 1850
c. 1867
d. 1885
Answer: 1850

Q30. The ________ sector accounted for 17.2 percent of the working population on the eve of Independence.
a. Industry
b. Service
c. Agriculture
d. None of these
Answer: Service

Q31. India’s first official census was undertaken in the year _____
a. 1880
b. 1888
c. 1881
d. 1887
Answer : 1881

Q32. The country’s growth of aggregate real output was less than ______ during the first half of the twentieth century.
a. 1%
b. 2%
c. 4%
d. 5%
Answer: 2%

Q33. In which year was Suez Canal opened in 
a. 1864
b. 1869
c. 1880
d. 1854
Answer: 1869

Q34. Backwardness of Indian agriculture on the eve of Independence is explained in terms of
a. Gulf between the owners of the soil and the tillers of the soil
b. Low production and low productivity
c. Forced commercialization of agriculture
d. Land revenue system
Answer: Low production and low productivity

Q35. Stagnation of Indian agriculture on the eve of Independence is explained in terms of :
a. High degree of uncertainty
b. Dominance of subsistence farming
c. Small and fragmented holdings
d. Forced commercialization of agriculture
Answer: Forced commercialization of agriculture


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